The Monster of Overthinking and Underfeeling

If a face iron would have existed, this monster could have used it 24/7 - a total waste of energy.

With a name like that, you might think that this creature was heartless, but you're mistaken there.

In fact, the opposite is true:

The Monster of Overthinking and Underfeeling has a huge heart.
It feels too strongly.
So much so, that it has to push away its feelings,
to stop it from breaking apart and screaming in agony, all the time.

This behavior led to its feelings getting stuck in its body, resulting in grey hair, excessive hair loss, blue bags underneath its eyes, green dots on its skin and chronic fatigue, among other things.

Colorful but not much fun, if you ask me.

What it was feeling and the intensity of it all was too much to bear
and impossible to channel without exploding,
that is, if it had learnt how to feel its feelings, at all.


Fun Fact:

Yesterday, I called my mom to catch up and to ask how she was doing. At a certain point in the conversation, I told her that I had started on a new book and that it was called 'The Monster of Disco'.
She replied with:

I haven't heard of that title.'

After which I informed her that it's a book that I am creating, not one that I am reading

FYI: I don't know about you, but aside from writing and illustrating and gamemaking or whatever step comes to me in my creative process, I am still reading plenty of books too ( in my own fragmented, multiple-books-at-a-time kind of way ).
I am not the kind of writer who stops reading books when they are working on one of their own. That would probably mean that I would have to stop reading books entirely and I can't do that ;<)

Now let's end this with a fitting song that popped up in my mind just now, created by a band that I listened to quite a lot, back in the late 90s when I was a teenager. If anything makes me connect to my feelings easily it's music.


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