Note to My Inner Child

The universe listens. It has heard. The losses of yesterday are yours to pin on the walls of your tomorrow. Breath child. There is nothing your persistent soul can't reach for. Your dreams are a constant part of you as is your desire to touch them.

Retrace your steps. Your ancestors are calling your spirit back home. Nurse this shell that gave your cosmic soul identity. Your face. Nourish it with everything that sprouts from mother earth. Heal yourself with the abundant herbs thriving on the face of her forests and growing in your backyards.

Dance my healing child. A beat can channel your warrior back to life. It can breathe life back into your tired bones.

So sway away child.

Sway to the rhythms that heal your subconscious wounds. Let the music fill the emptiness that was drilled into you by a society that never took the time to reflect.


Break down. As often as necessary. Let your ego find your feet before it finds your throne. Surrendering to what is, offers the opportunity to redeem yourself from the entitlement that comes with the experience of being human.

As much as abundance is pegged to every living man, there is work to be done. Everything you need is at your disposal but it meets you where your self-worth stands.

Don't settle child. The sun brings hope with every dawn it colors the sky and the moon resurrects your faith like it pulls on the sea. Or aren't you a dying star balancing on a floating rock?

Heal child. Shed who you were so that you can be who are meant to be. Stagnancy is not an option in a realm where change is time and time is change. Your own evolution is a part of this journey child. Embrace it.

Try again. When you last did might have not been the hour that air finally finds your lungs but that shouldn't lie to you that this minute can't let you win those invincible bouts. Give today a chance.

Practice gratitude child. The where you are solicits that of you if you are to stay in alignment. Nothing belongs to you nor does your presence here reassure you of having anything. The universe reserves the right to give or take but it also heavily awards grateful beings.

Don't forget that you are light and darkness child. Your light can shine as far as you want it as your shadows also can only spread where your effulgence won't reach. Making room for these two sides is what makes living a sport and allowing yourself to face or embody either turns it into an art.

Have you remembered to breathe yet? Or are you waiting on death so that you can rant in your grave about the living? Breath.

wambuku w.

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