One Hot C****

Today was meant to be an easy day getting some tasks done, but laying low for the most part, as tomorrow I have part two of a monster delivery. However, things haven't quite gone to plan, as my external assistant facilitator for the session called in sick and since midday, I have been running a 38.5C fever.

Unfortunately, I can't cancel this one, so I am going to hope that by morning I am good enough to power through five hours of training delivery.

Apparently, the holiday party created a bit of a "flu" spread, so I am not the only one put of commission at the moment, which is part of the reason I am unable to get a replacement.

Oh well.


Normally, I am pretty unaffected by high temperatures until reaching toward 40C, nut today I have been shaking like a dry leaf in the autumn wind. It has been weird to feel so dazed and out of it, but hey, why should that be cause to stop a 5.5 year streak of posting.

In sickness and in health.

I have woolen socks on.

It isn't too bad to post under a range of conditions, as I use it somewhat like a test of my abilities, to see what comes out. There is no such thing as perfect conditions, so waiting for better times generally means that we end up spending more time waiting than doing.

What are you waiting for?

I think Hive offers a huge opportunity for people to improve their lives, and it isn't just because of the potential to earn. Writing gives the opportunity to explore our world, interests, skills and ourselves - and it is incentivized. The amount of incentive may not be high, but very few other places seem to engage content creators like Hive does, and at least from my experience, most of the content elsewhere is designed for an unknown audience, whereas Hive content is built largely for the Hive community and internal relationships that have been built over time.

Many people take issue with this, but it is actually (in my opinion) one of the reasons people get so engaged, because there is an ongoing relationship with members of the community. I really like the continuity of the discussion, where while each post might be a standalone piece of content, it is part of a larger stream of interaction and relationships.

Of course, it is also committed to the chain, which I like also, because it keeps at least some people in check, but not all. There have been plenty of meltdowns over the years and there will be more to come, which I think speaks of how important some people take this place - even though they say they don't care.

As I see it, actions speak louder than words and the amount of time they put into "not caring" is telling. They might want it all to burn, but at the same time, they would miss it.

I am writing this from couch on my phone and I don't think i can keep staring at the screen. However, I have another post I want to get to, but I do t think I can do it justice in this condition, so it might have to wait.

Which annoys me.

While there are no perfect conditions, a little patience might be necessary today. But, let's see after a nap.

[ Gen1: Hive ]

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