An Empty Room Full of Stuff

For the first time in the four years I have been working in this company, I have had to cancel a delivery due to illness. I have worked ill many times before, but I just couldn't do it today, as I am knackered - despite getting the most sleep overnight that I have had in years.

I went to bed at 10.

I don't remember the last time that happened either.

I should probably do it more often.

I think I will take a couple sick days - perhaps watch some World Cup games.

Australia plays France tonight....

What are the chances of beating France?

I like it when the underdog wins.

Saudi Arabia just beat Argentina.



This is part of the office ^

We have painted the floors and are waiting for them to set fully before using it, but since this area will be where the cupboards are anyways, my wife moved the random junk in - to free up the loungeroom. It feels weird sitting here without all of it behind me, as it has been there for over four months. I feel exposed.

I think that I will rest today and perhaps tomorrow if feeling any better, I will go through it all to see if we can get rid of some of it. I think that there is plenty of stuff that we have just been moving around with us for years, but we will never actually use, or have any reason to keep. This seems to be part of being human, where we are born to be collectors, even of what we are collecting doesn't have value to us.

Attics, basements and garages full of useless.

We have been "pretty good" with this overall, but I would like to be better with it, so that we don't get into the position where just because we have the storage space, that space has to be filled. I am far more "minimalistic" than my wife however, as she likes to have those seasonal decorations, so we have various crap in different colors - and a million candle holders.

I am not innocent however, as I have a heap of old tech stuff that I will likely never have to use, as the connections have been superseded. So many cables, several old monitors and keyboards that have come with PCs and haven't even had the box opened. I should go through it all.

How come it is so hard to find the motivation to clean up this type of stuff?

Literally years have gone by and we haven't found the time to do it and I am pretty sure unless we force ourselves, we never will. I am guessing we aren't the only ones who have a pile of junk to sort through, but are procrastinating to do so.


This is something that I have always been very good at, though I have been trying to get worse at it over the last decade or so - with mixed success. I think that things were going pretty well until last year where the effect of health issues took away much of my motivation to do anything at all, and without motivation, fighting procrastination is magnitudes harder.

Perhaps that is a pill they should be working on - one that motivates us to do what we know we should be doing. I wonder what we could achieve if we had a growth mindset and the ability to act upon it.

Some kind of Limitless drug.

Would you take it?

I would.

They say that a lot of the reason for addiction to drugs is the feeling of them - just imagine if it was a feeling and the results, where we're able to perform at our best and therefore achieve our best.

Could you say no?

Depends on the side effects of course, but I suspect that a lot of people would be willing to take the risks, considering what they are willing to take the risks for now. I wonder what would be more attractive for the average person, performing at a physical best, or a mental best?

I would choose mental.

Though neither my mental or physical best, is likely anything to write home about.

But, since this option isn't on the table anyway, like everyone else, I will have to keep struggling through with what I have at my disposal - which ain't much!

Seems I am quite minimalistic in some ways - just not in the ways I would like.

[ Gen1: Hive ]

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