Everyone Has the Power to Control Their Emotions

Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

Everything was going right for my mom lately. She found a new job doing what she loves, she sets her own hours, and best of all no stress. She was hired to play games & activities at a senior living home, but life had different plans. She went to pick me up so we could run some errands, on our way back to the car she stepped in a pothole and sprained her ankle, as well as fractured her foot and a few toes.

I've been having a pretty good day overall, but seeing my mom in this situation upset me quite a bit. She is the most loving, caring person I have ever met. She has worked in Hospice care for over 10 years. Hospice is a job where you take care of dying people, making sure they feel comfortable, clean, and happy at their end of life. She has had tons of random bad luck in her life(she's 61), just like I have, and as she got older she learned to look past unfortunate events, laugh off terrible luck, and make the best out of the bad times. Seeing her laugh at the terrible circumstance made my view that everyone is in control of their emotions in most situations seem more valid than ever.

Why is it when all the stars align, and life seems too good to be true, it usually ends up being too good to be true? Disaster usually follows in huge bursts, right when things start to get good. I realized recently it's better to just let life happen and laugh off the constant mayhem because it is out of our control. If something makes me forced to be extremely late for work, It’s not my fault, so why should I feel bad? If I lose my job as a result, oh well shit happens and I just have to jump back on the saddle and keep trucking.

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Life is very strange. I’ve had the best times in the worst situations, and vice versa. I have gone through surreal experiences of feeling happy as hell while being completely sober, In a police van, on my way to court, talking to the other inmates about what kind of disaster happened to land us in this situation. We were laughing harder than we ever have at the stories. When I start taking things for granted, I feel terrible even when everything is right in the world. For example, I could have got a new job, a new phone/pc, etc, and still been completely miserable over extremely minor inconveniences. It's all about perspective. If you have power over perspective then you will rarely get stuck in a random bad mood.

Good happens to bad people, and bad happens to good people. Life seems like a crap chute in that regard. So why stress over the fact you have done so much good, but you still got screwed over. We have no control over what happens most of the time, and it's a waste of time to stress over it.

Sure, this won't work if someone you love is in a state of extreme suffering, or something terrible enough happens to you or a loved one. Focusing on how it's just mind over matter works a majority of the time though. This has helped me a lot in keeping a positive attitude through life's trials and tribulations lately.

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