Words can lie, But behavior always tells the truth

Hi Hive Lovers

Everyone is able to hide their intentions and interests with a string of words. Either because it is forced or because it has become a habit.

You can convince others with your word processing skills. You can fool them with your speaking skill. You can hide behind words. Even for people who are used and experienced in lying, their gestures can reinforce their lying.

But, not with behavior. Behavior can never lie. You cannot hide from the truth that your behavior shows. It will always show what is really going on. It is an honest mirror of all the behavior we do. Actual speaking behavior.

How good you are at lying and hiding lies through your words, your behavior will show who you really are. It's only a matter of time. There is always a light of truth that comes to illuminate the dark side of all your words.
You can control your words, but your behavior is not completely under your control.

Whoever it is and including you, you certainly don't want to feel stupid because you have been lied to. So don't lie.

Align your words with your actions.
Always strive for it.

The photo was taken with the night mode setting on the #SamsungA52 cell phone camera when I was in one of the rooms at the Aceh Tsunami Museum. All the best prayers for all the victims of the disaster.

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