Flower Therapy

Hi Hive Lovers

I have a garden that is cared for wholeheartedly by my wife. The garden contains several flowers, and before, these flowers always grew, bloomed, and eventually withered. But now we have a new way to use those flowers.

Flowers are not only beautiful to look at; they also have many other uses for us. One of the most important is therapy. Flower therapy is believed to stabilize energy and provide new freshness for a person. We have done it several times, although not often, and we receive some new benefits from their presence; they don't just wither there.

Flower therapy is the utilization of the positive energy contained in flowers to provide positive changes for one's body freshness, emotional health, mentality, and spirituality. You can believe it or not, but we and people who regularly practice flower therapy have proven it.

The most common therapy people do is put flowers in a room or take a flower bath, and we really do.

Flower therapy in the room

Placing fresh flowers in a room is the most common form of flower therapy; my wife also started doing it often, and she claims she did it for me.

If you've ever stayed at a star hotel, they do that too, and we were both inspired by what we saw in a hotel room, so we started doing it at home after that, of course by picking flowers that bloom in our own garden.

You can also do this by taking certain flowers from a small garden in your home. The best choices are certain flowers that have a nice, refreshing scent, such as roses or jasmine; they both smell very good. You can also choose one of the flowers available in your own home garden.

The trick is to prepare a small container, fill it with enough water, and then add some fresh flowers to it according to your wishes.

Place the container containing the flowers in the corners of the room where you want them. Leave the flowers there all day and replace them when they wilt.

Fresh flowers placed in a container filled with water can last for more than a day, and the fragrance of flowers wafting in your room will give you its own freshness.

Flower bath therapy

Some people consider bathing in flowers a ritual or something used for mystical purposes that have nothing to do with health benefits, such as by prospective brides or by those who work as psychics. Of course, we are not people who believe in these two things. When we were married, neither of us ever bathed in flower water. But we're both now starting to do it for therapy (having fun while hoping for the benefits of that flower bath).

Flower selection

for flower bath therapy—as we did. You can also choose types of flowers that have a nice and refreshing scent, such as the types of flowers that are placed in the corner of the room, such as roses, jasmine, chrysolite, etc. or even use expensive orchids, if you like—but we really don't do that with our orchids.

For flower bath therapy, you have to use more flowers, both in terms of the number and type of flowers to be used simultaneously; if the flowers are to be placed in a room, only two or three flower stalks are enough.

Choose flowers that have bloomed perfectly and are still fresh, and once again, you should take flowers that are around your own home garden because these flowers are the result of your own maintenance or care. In my opinion, a person has an energy connection with what that person cares about because they interact with each other.

You can do this flower bath therapy whenever you want; it doesn't need to be done at a certain time as it is used for ritual or mystical purposes. Several times we did it in the late afternoon while enjoying our hot tea.

How to set up

You have to soak all of your flowers in a large container and soak them for several hours in direct sunlight until all the flowers wither. It is believed that sunlight helps release the energy contained in the flowers into the water. Usually flowers will stay fresh if placed in water, but sunlight really makes them wither; it's different if you put them in a room.

After the flowers have withered, transfer the water soaking the flowers into your bathtub and enjoy it.

When is it used?

Flower bath therapy should be done when the water temperature is warm after being exposed to the sun. Of course, it will be more comfortable for your body and more effective at opening your skin pores if you do it in warm conditions. We believe it will speed up the energy absorption process from flowers.

Of course, you may believe it or not, but by doing it, you will feel more relaxed and get new freshness, both for your body and for your mind.

Placing flowers in the room is very easy as flower therapy, and for those of you who want flower bath therapy, my advice is even better if you do it together with your wife or husband, and your relationship will become warmer because of it.

Do you believe it and want to try it?

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