Heartbroken but not broken

Yesterday was our youth wing night talk and the topic we discussed was “Breakfast” for those who don’t “breakfast” stands for heartbreak here in Nigeria. Once it’s announced that someone has been served breakfast, it means his/her partner break up with them.

I haven’t experienced one but believe me when I say I know how it feels. I can remember when I thought I was getting one, how I felt is unexplained. Below are some of the ways people described heartbreak

Image by jakob from unsplash
-"Heartbreaks are the dumps". You will be like your life is over and you will wish you were never born. Everybody is different and so are their ways of coping with the situation. Some will cry themselves to sleep wishing they had never met their ex. Some will be angry and some will be sad. Nonetheless, heartbreaks are part of life. They are meant to happen because they make you realize that there are other people out there who love you just as much as your ex did. It is okay to get heartbroken once in a while because it means that you have invested feelings into someone else besides yourself. The heart wants what it wants, despite being disappointed in a relationship, we still go ahead and love someone else again. This doesn't mean that you disrespect your ex or don't appreciate their time together. It just shows that you have moved on from the past and are living for today.

  • Heartbreaks are never easy, but they are always inevitable. If you are having a hard time letting go of your past, here are some things you need to remember. Be honest with yourself and the reason you broke up; did you involve the other person in your decisions? Love takes two to tango, get over it and try to put in more effort than what you received. It is hard to move forward when you keep thinking of the past but it is wiser to forgive and forget. You will find yourself thinking about what could have been but then again every relationship has its share of ups and downs.
    If you keep on thinking about the bad things that happened, then you will never be able to appreciate the good things that are still there. Reminiscing about how great it was during the good times is necessary for closure; so pick a nice point in time that you are immensely happy about and close the chapter on that era because dwelling on it will not make things any better. It is only when we truly love ourselves that we can really let go and give someone else a chance in our life.

-We have all been heartbroken at some stage in our lives, it is a natural part of life. However, you can't let this deter you from wanting to love again, you can't let your past dictate what you feel for another person. Don't be afraid to get your heart broken again and again. You will feel like life no longer hold any meaning for you and that is normal. Heartbreaks are a part of life, they will never go away and they will always be there in some way or the other. The best thing to do when going through the process of heartbreak is to take your time and let yourself heal, it is okay not to be okay. Take all the time you need and allow yourself to feel sad, angry and upset about what happened. You have every right to grieve for yourself as well as for the relationship that you thought was going to bring you so much happiness but ended up hurting you in so many ways.
Don't beat yourself up about feeling sad, it is okay. However, once you have allowed yourself time to heal, get ready for a new chapter in your life. It might not be with the person who broke your heart but that does not matter anymore because one thing that matters is that you are moving forward with your life and not stuck in the past with someone who no longer wants you.


No matter how bad it is always remember to forgive yourself and move on. No one is worth taking your life over and don’t let the shadows of the past cloud your future. Move on

Thanks for Reading! 💔💙💌

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