Present...Yet disconnected

The ocean wasn't doing much; It just sort of sat there. Not in, not out nor moving about as ocean's usually tend to do...It seemed happy and content to be where it was, and no place else and it mirrored my own thoughts and mood as I was also just content to be there in that moment. Present in it, yet disconnected.

I'd come home from work a little early today and after some cuddle-time with Cleo, the cutest cat in the world, I gathered up Faith, bundled her into the car and headed to the beach - You see, I've been feeling the need to disconnect of late, however haven't had the time to do so. Tonight seemed a reasonable time to make it happen, if only for a little while.

So the phones were left home, the camera too...I just slipped some cash into my pocket and off we went...Disconnect initiated.

Sunset at Semaphore beach, South Australia

Earlier a hive user commented in a message that I had seemed a little different of late. It was very perceptive and somewhat of a poke in the ribs.

This is what he wrote me:

I hope you are seeing some beauty in your life at the moment; a few of your past posts have been quite down on the world. There is lots of beauty out there and endless adventure to be had. Don't let society get you down. The rest of humanity will look after itself, what's important is that you enjoy the time you have here.

Wise words @intrepidphotos.

I responded and acknowledged I felt the need for a break, a disconnection from everything, and that Faith and I were hoping to make something happen soon; When I feel that a break is needed it's usually long overdue.

Despite my efforts to appear to be my normal self I had been exposed as as feeling somewhat strained - Most may not have noticed, but one did, and I'm grateful for the poke he gave me, clearly I needed it.

Faith and I walked along mostly in silence although when we spoke it wasn't about her mum's cancer situation, the sorrow of my dad's passing, my job, the pandemic, our business, the future, money, hive or anything current at all...It was about the past.

We spoke of some of the funny moments we'd shared, mostly based around the many idiotic things I've done in my life, and places we've been; The amazing things we've seen and done. It was nice to inject some smiles, a few laughs and to recall some of the better times we've had together over the thirty three years as a couple. All the while we wandered along the beach, cool breeze bringing the crisp scent of salt air and the sound of the water lapping lazily at the shore. It was kind of nice.

We grabbed some fish and chips for dinner, found a spot at the edge of the dunes and just sat there feeling very present in the moment, deeply connected with each other and disconnected from the rest of the world.

We arrived home just after dark feeling a little lighter of mood and spirit and whilst tonight's beach-excursion could never come close to the break we truly need it was a snippet, a brief moment, in which we felt untroubled and carefree. It's with that in mind we'll move forward into the rest of the week.

And you? How are you feeling right now? Carefree, untroubled and on top of the world? If so let me know what mechanisms you have in place to stay that way. If not, then feel free to say so...That's the cool thing about hive - It tends to be a place where people can be themselves without the need to put on an act, a façade or mask...Although many do...And you never know, what you say could impact upon someone and help them.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised.

Be well
Discord: galenkp#9209

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