I want to first apologize for the little to no engagement on my part yesterday. I have been on medications and my body couldn't withstand anymore but today, I feel a whole lot better. Thanks to all who wished me quick recovery and checked up on me. God bless you all.

Today, I want to talk about something that is of utmost importance in our lives, especially youths. Funny how this struck me while I was laying spineless on bed. I guess a fellow Hiver was right when he said "we get inspirations from the most odd places."


Pro-activity is the most underrated form of behavior compared to most that we have. It is not just a behavior, it is a habit or maybe you can say insight.


It means to be a step or two ahead. You don't wait for it to happen before you know what to do, you already have a Plan that has several back ups.

To be proactive isn't something we see as normal these days. Everyone is hiding behind dormant excuses as to why they couldn't do this or why they couldn't do that. There is always a reason for everything. Elon Musk said:

"If you give yourself 30 days to clean your home, it will take you 30 days but if you give yourself 3 hours, it will take you 3 hours. Same applies to your goals, ambition and potential."

What I'm saying here is everyone has that potential and all we have to do is unlock it.

I wanted to talk on the power of goal setting but I decided against it because I am still experimenting on it myself but so far, does work. Also because, some might not be able to understand the importance of goal setting until they understand the power of a proactive mind.

Okay, okay, maybe just a little but I'll point out how proactive people walk with goals.



Like I said, a proactive person is always one step ahead, making plans that have several backups. Now let me ask you and I want you to ponder truthfully:

When last did you ever sit and think deeply? Or do you just avoid it because it hurts your brain?

When was the last time you actually sat down to construct your future? Or you just let life lead?

When last did you go after something you really want? Or you're too scared of rejection to actually think about it?

Answer yourself truthfully and you'd find out you're either the Proactive(goal-getter) or Reactive(luck based).

If you're the proactive, well don't stop there. Continue to sharpen your mind and use it.

If you're the reactive, it's not too late no matter what they say. You can still get to work.



Through your mind. I don't think many really understand the supernatural power the mind has. Do you know your mind is the bridge between your body and spirit? Whatever you call forth with your mind (because the spiritual controls the physical) comes.

I'll give a very good example. Myself.

Sometime ago, after bulldozing on two really powerful books about the mind, I set out to practice.

Everyday, on the road, I let my mind draw only positive things while at work or school. And I noticed something remarkable.

Everything I called forth came!

Want a more concrete example?

My Phone. I kept visualising myself with a new phone because the one I had then was total crap. I would see myself with the cash, walking into the store and purchasing it. I'd see it to the point it became so real. So real that I opened my eyes one day and was almost disappointed that I hadn't gotten it yet. But I wasn't worried.

A week later, I got a new phone. Just the kind I had in mind. How the money came was a Miracle.

Now, one mistake we make is using our present to see into the future. Please don't do that. As far as we humans are concerned, there is absolutely no limitations to what we can do. Want another example?

I would always see myself on my laptop, walking from home and earning cool cash. That's what I've always wanted. Then I met Belemo who told me about Hive. Look, you can't tell me this is luck or coincidence. Not at all.

One thing you need to know is...

You can only attract positivity when you call them forth. Refuse to let your current situation blur your vision.


Vision is of utmost importance because it lets you see 2, 5 or even 10 years into the future thereby calling forth your proactive side that uses the mind to set attainable goals.

About 15 years ago, my mother and I had no where to sleep or roof over our heads. (Today, we might not be living in a mansion but we are getting there.) I've always had a vivid imagination since childhood. I'd imagine things not there as if they were.

Soon, we were able to afford our own place. It was small but I felt at peace. Nothing could stop me at that moment. The present space we are right now got furnished with my imagination.

I'd stay and imagine couches and a rug and so many other things because we weren't able to afford them. Guess what? The money came and we furnished the place to taste.

I'll use a reference from the famous Chris Oyakhilome... he'd say

Keep saying it. Don't stop talking it.

I say

Keep seeing it. Don't stop believing it.

Haven't you wondered why the negative things you imagine (think, ponder on) always become real?

It's a reaction to your proaction. Many people just sit and worry, thinking on how big their problems are. All that does is multiply it.


Let Proactivity (with your mind) become your constant reaction (I don't know if I'm making sense). Don't worry about how it'll happen or where the resources would come from, just do your part and the universe would respond to you.

Once you run into a problem, don't dilly-dally on what you could have done better. Get straight to work by using your mind to come up with the solution. It doesn't matter if you're intelligent or not, what matters is how you use your mind (your battle field).

This is why I came up with an idea for this month of November. I'm sure you're all curious as to what it is. I'll tell you in my post tomorrow. Also, It felt good to find this community on Self Improvement. It's nice to know that I have a place to read and post about self improvement.


Twitter: Deraa_writes
Discord: deraa#4794
Telegram: Deraa


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