This is where I'm at 6 months into Hone Health's testosterone treatment

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Beast mode activated šŸ‘¹

Now that I'm in my 30s, I thought it would be wise to make sure that my hormones are balanced. Pretty much every man these days has some sort of issue with their hormones. Either their testosterone levels are low or their estrogen levels are too high. There is no sure way to know this unless you actually have the bloodwork done to determine what's going on inside of your body. makes this process simple and affordable. The best part is, all of it can be done from the comfort of your home and you can have any treatment options shipped directly to your door. This is of course in the USA only, but if you live here it is a fantastic option so that you can start managing your hormone levels properly.

Every 3 months of treatment, I am required to do a new blood test so that I can get readings on my new hormone levels. I recently hit my 6-month mark of treatment, which is usually when you start to see the biggest changes. That and the one-year mark are considered to be the most important times during hormone treatment. As with most things, major changes take time. This means that you will be practicing patience until you reach your desired results.

I started all of this with low testosterone and average estrogen/estradiol levels. You can see my lab results in the following screenshot. Keep in mind that free testosterone is more important than total testosterone. Also, July 06 is N/A because that blood test failed and was unable to produce results.

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As you can see, my free t is absolutely through the roof now and I definitely am feeling it. It went from a minuscule 6 all the way up into the 20s now. I'm stronger than ever and feel the best both physically and mentally that I have in years. The only concern is the fact that my estradiol has nearly quadrupled, which results in my body storing more fat than it needs to. My Hone clinician and I have been trying to get my estrogen levels lowered where there need to be while keeping my free t at current levels. This will keep me at my new strength levels, but also allow me to lower my body fat percentage by quite a bit.

When all of this started, I began taking something called Clomiphene, which boosts my testosterone and fertility. My body responded magnificently to it and this meant I didn't have to opt for testosterone injections, which lower your sperm count. During my 3 month update, we decided that it would be best to add something to the regimen called Anastrozole. The purpose of this was to drastically lower my estradiol numbers, which could also result in a slight boost in testosterone. The latter did occur, but sadly my estrogen is still way too high.

To solve this problem, we have quadrupled the amount of Anastrozole that I will be taking. Instead of a half tablet weekly, I will now be taking one full tablet bi-weekly. My Clomid intake will remain the same at half a tablet daily. I cannot wait to see how this adjustment results. My hopes are that I lose about 10 pounds of fat and continue to put on more lean muscle.

In today's video, I will be discussing my Hone Health treatment progress. I will also be showing you my entire virtual appointment with my clinician, which is less than 5 minutes long.

Some other posts about my experience with Hone šŸ”—

ā—˜ My first at home blood test
ā—˜ Virtual appointment #1
ā—˜ 3 month update

Thanks for watching today!

Be sure to comment if you have any questions at all about how all of this works. I highly recommend Hone Health to any man at any age, especially if you are just curious to know your hormone levels with a simple at-home test. I know it isn't going to be for everyone though.


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