10x Your Productivity By Doing These Four Things Consistently.

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If you feel like you are constantly losing focus or lack the energy to do stuff it's probably because you aren't doing things you need to help your body and your mind stay organized and healthy. Do these four things on a daily basis and you will find yourself doing more, feeling less tired, and having more time to get even more productive or have extra time to relax.

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Workout/Stretch Regularly.

Regularly exercise or at least stretch. When you are sitting at your computer the whole time, you are bound to have some problems with your back, specifically, your lower back. Maybe you don't notice it yet, but you are most certainly going to if you don't start to exercise on a regular basis. I don't want to go too much into detail here, because everyone will have their own preference for the style of training they wanna do. But for those that don't know where to start, I give you my lazy day stretch/yoga routine. It only takes 5-10 minutes:

  • Start with a cobra stretch, hold for 15-30 seconds, and then transition into a child's pose, also hold for 15-30 seconds. Do 2-3 reps.

  • Next, do the Cat-Cow Stretch, and hold each position for about 5 seconds. Do 10-15 reps and you're good.

  • Lastly, do a Downward-Facing Dog pose, and hold for 15-30 seconds. Do 2 reps.

If you have any back pain and do this little routine for two days in a row, you will instantly feel so much better.

This is nothing compared to what I'm suggesting but I am a big proponent of the Kaizen philosophy. Taking steps, no matter how small, and doing them consistently, will help you grow the habit and expand upon it until you get to the point you want to be in.

Whatever you don't do beer yoga. Yep, that's a real thing by the way.

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Take Notes.

This is the simplest yet the most important thing you need to be doing. I hope you are already taking notes but if you aren't, start immediately. Write them on PC, on your phone, or most preferably in a textbook. Write down what you want, and write down a schedule for the next week. This will take only like 10-15 minutes of your time but will help you immensely to keep yourself organized and more productive.

Remember to take a look at your notes EVERY day. If you didn't do something from your schedule on a given day don't be hard on yourself. Instead, explore why did that happen, and more importantly, write down how you feel about it. Be honest with yourself, be precise. The more you write down, the more data you have to work with. At the end of the day, you are putting your thoughts on paper, and if you get to better understand yourself you will be able to rewrite your schedule in a more fitting way, the way it's gonna work for you.

This is a trial and error, until you get it just right, after a while you are going to start working like a well-oiled machine.

Taking notes is like leaving feedback for yourself, and who will better understand you than... you. Don't let yourself drift away in the unorganized chaos, everything gets harder that way, and takes up more energy than it should. Invest this little time into yourself every day and you will be getting so much extra time in return once you get more efficient.

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Clean Your Shit Up.

Get rid of the clutter in front of your face. I don't want to go full-on Feng Shui but there is a connection between the way we organize our workspace and our well-being. A cluttered and disorganized space can affect our mood and create negative feelings, such as feeling overwhelmed and stressed. On the other hand, clean and organized space can promote positive feelings and increase productivity. So, cleaning up the clutter on your desk can be a good idea for both practical and emotional reasons.

It will also remove unnecessary distractions. You need to do that on your desktop too. Since I'm working on my personal computer and am a gamer. I sometimes get distracted when I see that juicy icon of a game I really want to play even though I should be working. I'm telling you, just by removing that icon from my desktop, it helped me a lot to keep my focus on work and not think about how desperately I just want to stop everything I'm doing and game all day. Most likely everyone has an icon or icons that have the same effect on you. Just remove them from the desktop, you know where to find them anyway.

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Take Regular Brakes.

One of the most important things to keep in mind is taking regular breaks throughout the day. Trust me, taking short breaks can do wonders for re-energizing your brain and improving focus. Go for a walk, meditate, or do a quick stretching session we talked about previously. This can help to clear your mind and come back to work feeling refreshed and ready to tackle your tasks. Don't forget to take a proper lunch break and to have a good night's sleep.

Now, the frequency of breaks will vary depending on you, but research has shown that taking short breaks every hour or so can be beneficial for productivity. And most importantly, listen to your body, if you start feeling fatigued or mentally drained, take a break.

One popular method is the Pomodoro Technique, which recommends taking a 5-minute break after every 25 minutes of focused work. This technique has been found to be effective in increasing productivity as well as reducing burnout. Another way is to use the "52-17" rule, which suggests working for 52 minutes and then taking a 17-minute break, this allows you to stay productive while also giving your brain a chance to rest.

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Are you doing any of these things on a regular basis? If not, I encourage you to try it. You will feel grateful to yourself, trust me on this one. Self-improvement is something everyone can work on no matter what your goal is, it is always going to be easier when you are organized. Do you have some habits that improve your productivity that you implement daily?

As always, thank you for reading.

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