Learning To Read With My Two Kids

Hello beautiful Parents on hive, it has been a wonderful experience since the kids resumed from one level of learning to another. Overtime, I have been doing my best to put my son first through reading and that was not so easy at first but we are getting useto all the process now.

Presently my son is in Nursery Two, when he was in Nursery One his aunty always complain that he don't always respond when she asks him questions and from her observation not that he don't know what to answer. Then I always pray for him and encourage him to answer questions in class, during their speech and price giving day I got to observe that the class teacher was a very tough Lady who put fear in children with cane and my son is this time that don't do well with cane. When he comes home he tends to rehearse everything they did in the class for me.

Now he is in a new class the first three days of Resumption he came and told me that his aunties name starts with B and he said that to her facing. I was so surprised. Now his aunty tells me that he responds in class well but her problem is that he don't know how to copy things from the board which I understand because most of the children of his age are that way too.

Now, here are some of the things I do to help him flow

Bought an extra book for him

To help him write more frequently, I have gone an extra mile to get additional note book from the school bookshop. This I did after third week that school resumes. They have note book they use in the class and for assignment but this extra book will be used at home

Constant use of the Chat on the wall

There is this chat I got for my son when he was just a year old, it really helped him in identification of laters and numbers, now that he is learning to write from double numbers, I point the numbers let him identify it and he write in his notebook. Sometimes I allow him do the pointing and identification himself and that has been of a great him to him.

Encourage him to write in line

Most children fine it difficult to write in a straight line so I always remind my son to not cross the line while writing and to give good space too

Working On Buying A Board for him

Another thing I have seen that can help him is to buy a chalk board, there was a time I tried to use a neighbor's board to teach him and he was flowing we but I stopped due to the convinency.

Increased Availability

What I have tried to do for my son is to give him the maximum attention he needs. Since I have been doing this the difference is massive. I started this fifteen minutes writing before he goes to school and we do it two or three times in a week and that has really help him to improve in no little way.

Use Of Audio Visual Aide

Before the children starts the conventional school we try our best to get the audio visual aide which helps them. There are different ages and what works for them so we try to upgrade it as they grow. The little sister have what works well for her so also the brother.

It is my belief that when my first child gets the fundamentals it him help him in coaching his little sister. Not that I don't give her attention at all but the brothers attention is more. She also have her own book for practicing and always want to write something. She has learnt to count perfectly from number one to number ten.

As humans we may want to get all the desired results at ones but it is not possible. It is a gradual process. The school phonics books is also helping in another way and I have tried to get all the books they requested for in the school.

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