20 Facts: about me! || Me, Myself & I

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20 things about Me, Myself & I

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Hi, I'm back with day 2 of the blogging challenge (yes, I did post day 1 earlier in the morning today but whatever let’s pretend), I'm really looking forward to actually completing these 30 days, I know I probably should schedule the posts but if you continue reading you will found out I'm a procrastinator by heart… So, lets get to the 2nd day topic ad that is…

20 Facts about me

Why would anyone want to read on about me? I don’t know I'm not that interesting but hey all to have content to make a post, right? LOL so let’s begin with fact…

No. 1 - My first name is Maria


I come from a catholic family so when my mom was pregnant with me and she had some miscarriages scares she decided she was going to call me after the virgin Marie if I was to be born, and here you have me I am Maria Victoria, the Victoria comes from my dad I'm their first born so my mom used the female version of my dad’s name who is Victor, I don’t use my first name since my sister is call Maria too she is Maria Alejandra and so when at the house to avoid confusions my parents used to just call us for our second names and well I got used to it and I feel weird when someone actually calls me Maria, all through school and later the university all my professors always used my first name but other than that I don’t really use it at all.

No. 2 – Do NOT ever call me Vicky

I hate it! My name is Victoria and I accept shorts like Vic or Victo (my mom uses this one so I learned to like it) but I hate when people uses Vicky I don’t really know why I hate it, but I just do, to me Vicky is not short for Victoria since there are some people who actual names are Vicky and also my name doesn't have a K or a Y so it doesn't make sense to me, I don’t actually like nicknames too much but in this case I HATE IT! So please don’t ever use it to call me.

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No. 3 - I'm a Mom

If you have read any of my previous posts on my main account @victoriabsb then you already know this, I am the mom to a little ball of energy call Juan Carlos, he is 2 years old and actually has a hive account since he was on the womb @juancarlosgp, I haven't updated it since he was born but I probably should add it to my very long list of to do’s. being a mom is not something I ever dream of or felt like I need it to be complete but when I felt for his dad and we discuss starting a family Is probably a cheesy thing to say but I couldn’t imagine not having this man kid, and now I have to deal with the results of what being in love makes you do, in the form of cleaning diapers and try to survive the little devil I gave birth to.
I do love the little guy but I won’t say no to an offer to buy him for a million dollars! And yes I do take Hive as payment LMAO!


No. 4 - I’m a lawyer

In Venezuela you graduate from high school and go directly to study the career you want and even tho I did spend some years trying to study for something I didn’t wanted at the end I change majors in the university and ended up studying Law, I graduated in 2017 and even tho I haven practice too much (I got pregnant at the beginning of 2018) I do want to continue my career with a Master in International Law.

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No. 5 - I’m a chocolate lover

In the list of things I love first goes my son, then the 2nd place is tie between my boyfriend and chocolate, and I say this just to be nice cause I really think I can actually live my life just fine without my BF in it but I doubt I could survive if I couldn’t eat chocolate anymore! I don’t think I need to explain it any more I LOVE chocolate and yes, all its types dark, milky or white or just a mix of all of them I don’t care.


No. 6 - I’m a Backstreet Boys fan

my favorite song ever

If you didn’t read my first post for this blogging challenge where I said the BSB part of my user name is cause of the Backstreet Boys, then you need to know I have been a fan of them for 20 years now and I don’t see me stopping being one in the near future.


No. 7 - I’m a cat mom

My first born was a girl and her name is Kitty she is the older sister to my son and she also has a Hive account! @queenKitty I mean we are all hivers in this family! She is a queen and you should not expect her to write posts all the time that is why she only has her intro there and well maybe someday I will remember to make an update on her. For now know she said she loved her brother more when he was in the belly than out cause he is an annoying little boy, but she doesn't complain much when he shares his food with her.


No. 8 - I’m a dog mom

Kind of a step mom actually since my boyfriend was a single dad when I meet him of a yellow crazy little mix dog and when we had 1 year in the relationship he adopted another a Shepard mix, they both love to death their little brother specially cause he really likes to give them food and let them running loose on the backyard.


No. 9 - My failed dream career was to become a Doctor

Since I was little (after I had move on from the I want to be paleontologist, a vulcanologist, a meteorologist and a mommy hunter) I went on to dream of becoming a doctor one day I studied hard in high school to try and achive that goal, here in Venezuela if you have good grades in high school they add up to get a spot in a public University (the only ones that have the Medicine major) I didn’t manage to get in with my grades alone so I took the test for admission 3 times, I studied hard and every single time I took it I pass it but I didn’t achive the grade needed to actually be on the spots selected to get in by so little it was annoying, I couldn’t lose any time and needed to continue my studies when I got out of high school so…

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No. 10 - I went to school initially to be an accountant

While I was taking the test for medical school and since I was with my high school friends on the campus university and they were sign in for the accounting test, I said why not apply to that one as well just cause I was there with them and I had nothing to lose, they actual day of the test I got there late (over slept) I didn’t studie days before for it and I really wasn’t interested in answering the questions as I was when I took the medical school one, it was a 3 part test: reading comprehension, math and abstract thinking, I thought I had sucked cause my interest was not at all in studying that major, my main focus was on medicine, a month later after I learned that I didn’t get in on the medical school, I found out I did got the spot on the accounting school cause that is my life…. And well I started it and it all when well until I took Math II in the 2nd semester I fail at it 5 times this didn’t let me continue to advance with other classes at that point I had lost 3 years of my life trying to study this major I simply didn’t like at all, it was difficult for me to leave it cause I felt like a failure for not completing it but at the same time I realize I needed to find something else that I truly like so I could graduated and had a degree on something, that was when I enter Law school and well I became a lawyer.


No. 11 - I failed at P.E. classes in high school

I hate Physical Ed like really I got sick just to not go to classes that day and when I had to go I just pretended to have my period so my teacher didn’t made me do any of the stuff, so when I was in 8th grade I fail that class so much so I had to take it to reparatory course the next year it was the most annoying thing ever!
By that time my class mates help me and every time we had P.E. classes they would just make it easier for me by letting me be part of the teams (vollybol, basket, etc) and do nothing LOL.

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No. 12 - I had my first Boyfriend when I was 26 Years old

I don’t know why I think the fact my parents divorced when I was 111 years old and since then I have seen my dad cheat on everysingle woman he has had a relationship since my mom and he ended things, that made me not trust men? Probably also I'm really REALLY picky, (come to think about I don’t know yet how my BF got me to like him lol) I never liked anyone enough to actually have something with someone, I even though well maybe I'm gay and that is why I don’t really like any guy enough? But then I realize I didn’t liked girls either LOL until I met my boyfriend and the rest is history.


No. 13 - I use a lot of filters on my selfies

If they exist, then why not used them? I'm not into make up a lot like I don’t even know how to do more than the basic so… I use filters in my selfies all the filters that I can I will use them and you can not shame me about it because I don’t care!

I have acne and big dark circles under the eyes also im a mom to a 2 year old so yeah i dont have the time to fix myself for pictures, so i dont want a ugly pic of me to go around living forever on the internet, and yes im all for natural beuty and all that but hey nothing worng with wanting to have a nice picture too!

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No. 14 - I'm super shy and awkward in person

I may come across as bossy and a little bit crazy here but in real life I'm like the shyness queen, I shake and sweat when meeting new people is awful! I can be bossy and crazy too when I get more comfortable but at the beginning I'm not at all, I would be the one that goes to the party and stays there in the corner all by herself.

No. 15 – I don’t drink any alcohol

I don’t have nothing against alcohol or people who drink it I just don’t like the taste of it at all, like I don’t like wines to me they taste like fruit gone bad (that they actually are) I don’t like the taste of beer, I don’t like cocktails cause of the alcohol taste in them, I really don’t like it and it gets tiresome to explain to people that, when we go out and people starts “oh but try it a little” or “but then how do you have fun?” is annoying..

No. 16 - I'm a bit of an OCD

For example, this challenge I learn about it a couple of months ago and since I didn’t know about it on the first of the month, I couldn’t start it even tho is not a rule is just a thing in my brain that won’t allow me start it it on a not first of the month day LOL, also I didn’t wanted to keep my other account looking as messy it was making me not wanting to post there any more personal stuff cause it just didn’t make sense to me to have my blog all mix up and crazy.
I clean my house and go around my child a 2 year old messy child cleaning up his toys as he plays with them is an obsession to see it all in neat and clean, I have to have the clothes of my family and me color, type and even size arrange, and many things more but I think that is worth a post just for it.

No. 17 – I'm a procrastinator

I have a planner and I even have a excel sheet where I did a schedule of the things I have to do, but omg I am the worst ever like for example to do that schedule it took me like a whole month cause every time I tried to get to it I just ended up googling ideas on how to do a freaking schedule one. Also, I have so much to do, I sometimes feel overwhelm and that doesn't help me to do them so I just end up on a infinity scroll on instagram to calm down LOL.

No. 18 – I had my tubs cut and burned when I had my C-section

Before having my kid like I said before is not like I wanted to be this woman with a lot of kids or anything like that, so when I realize I couldn’t vaginally deliver him and had to undergo a c-section I took advantage of that and asked my doctor for an sterilization and had to fight with them while strip naked on the OR for them to finally agree and let me do what I wanted to do with my body. So, yes no more little devils will come out of this body no more! One is enough!

No. 19 – My English is self-taught

I do have to give credit for the basics to my high school teachers but if you ever took a foreign language class in high school you know is really basic and not to make you bilingual, also I have to thank my love for the backstreet boys for my learning of the language, since I read the lyrics to their songs on a magazine that had them translated and the ones that I didn’t find there I translated myself.

I do have some help from autocorrect functions and sometimes I use the translator cause I suck at grammar to remember how a word is written, yet still I always have some grammar horrors and I'm sorry for them but hey I just keep on learning from my mistakes! I'm a really good reader and listener like I may consider myself bilingual on those but I'm an ok writer and I suck at speaking it and that takes the whole bilingual out of the game, I'm the worst at speaking it mostly cause I don’t practice much and secondly cause of my shyness I feel awkward speaking it so that makes me second guess it much and I end up making more mistakes that way than writing it.

20 – I hate public speaking

Either in real life or even online I hate them I fear them and I run from them, as a law student you learn that public speaking is a must and you even have to take courses on how to do them and how to lose fear yet here I am a graduated lawyer who hates it haven't lose the fear and wont do it unless I really had to.
Online is a little bit less scary but I just don’t like it and I tried to avoid it as much as I can if possible. That is the real reason I don’t actually do a lot of activities on discord.

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Ok that is it! 20 facts about me, omg is the most I have talk about me in forever, I have not idea who here would be interested in learning that stuff about me, but know it took me forever to actually find 20 things to say so, if you read it them all THANK YOU!!! Lol

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As always, thank you very much for reading me and
I hope to read your comments!

Picture Credit: Source of the Backgrounds, all other images are of my property unless said otherwise and the emojis are made with Bitmoji.com!

Disclaimer: This is an alt account to post personal and short content, for Hive tutorials, initiatives and more please go to my main account @victoriabsb

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