Exploring lake Velenje, Slovenia

“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”
― Martin Luther King Jr.

Dear Hivean,

Hope you had a great & productive week full of surprises!

Mine was full of up's and downs, just like jing & jang, just like it's suppose to be. Everything in the harmony from nature, to energy levels, to activity, productivity and relationship with yourself & others, while keeping it healthy, focused on the goals.

On of my goal will be achieved next week when I will be going to donate my blood for the first time in my life. Years ago I thought about it, but always knew bad habits, didn't make it really healthy and usable, but now with a lot healthier and sober life style I decided it's finally time to do it. Everything for a good cause.

This Saturday I had an urge to go jump and go for a swim after work. It was a hot and humid day full of completed work, feeling, listening myself, my own body and how I truly wanted to end that day. Swimming.


Like @crazyandy mentioned in previous post, about a tiny town by the name of Velenje, also called the 'safest' town in sLOVEnia it has a lot to offer, one of which are their beautiful lakes that are all closely together.

Although I thought to walk all around them, I quickly realized that the lake is much bigger than I thought. For many years I thought there was only lake Velenje, but there are actually 3 not far between.
The weather didn't look too promising but I as determined to go on a short walk around and enjoy in it's beauty, then jump in the lake to cool off and go for a great refreshing swim.


Was really lucky as the clouds gathered together and the rain just passed us, leaving us with more then enough time, to enjoy in the water. Went for a straight 30 minute swim that is great for the body, mind and my soul.

For me swimming or scuba diving is some kind of natural therapy or meditation, while having a great exercise, focusing on the given moment, releasing all the pressure in the body, focusing on breathing and leaving all the worries, plans, combined with stress behind.


There is a platform where jumping in the lake is made safe and enjoyable spot to rest a little bit. That's where I jumped in a couple of times, went for another short swim, before going out of the water, getting dry and taking another short walk to a new building near by that offers great view of the city, it's kind of like a tower, but not really, got no idea what it is, but made an amazing experience, to finish a great day.


Will be returning to this amazing place in near future, not only to go for a swim but also explore the nice walk paths all around the lakes. It is also located only 15 kilometers away from city I was born in and still work in it as well. It's about 25minute drive to the parking lot, located at the spot made for swimming, also called "beach of Velenje".

Another honorable moment of being the first one to pin it on the amazing #Pinmapple map, will definitely add a lot more pins all over our tiny, but beautiful and diverse sLOVEnia.

[//]:# (!pinmapple 46.370287 lat 15.087326 long d3scr)

I feel sLOVEnia <3

When was the last time you jumped in the water for a swim ? :)


Really grateful to have health, strenght and will power to improve myself, that I started listening to what I want, started learning, reading books and changed the was I react to negative situations or even conflicts. Blessed to be a part of this amazing platform where I can save and share these amazing memories for ever.

Thank you very kindly for stopping by, I wish you a good day & a great, peaceful weekend!

Photos made with my Samsung Galaxy A52s

“Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”
― Napoleon Hill

Till next time, stay awesome... Happy, Strong & Healthy my friends !

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