MERAK SEAPORT: A Strait that Connects Longing with Hometown


A Strait that Connects Longing with Hometown

Hi everyone ..
How are you guys?
How about your weekend?
May you always be healthy and happy!

This time I want to tell you about my experience returning to my hometown by ship. Well, I will focus on my trip while on a ship or ferry. Ships used specifically for short distance crossings.

In this afternoon. My family and I consisting of 14 people chose to go to our hometown using the land route. Because my hometown is in Padang, West Sumatra. So we who live in the capital city of Jakarta have to cross the Sunda Strait to get to the island of Sumatra.



I made preparations for the trip the day before. Because I only focus on myself. I prepared some clothes and also my needs while in the village. Since I was going to spend 10 days there, I brought 5 sets of clothes and also some snacks. Oh yes, I also didn't forget to leave my favorite cats to my sister who happened to be unable to come to my hometown. I will definitely miss my cats very much.



11.00 noon. I went to my mother's house with all the provisions I brought (because my mother's house became a meeting point). With enthusiasm, I set off using an online car that can be ordered through an application. After about an hour, I arrived at my mother's house. When we arrived several people had gathered and were preparing to eat lunch. Because eating before traveling is important. Lol
After everything was ready, we set off. Do not forget to read the prayer and always be careful.



At 2 o'clock in the afternoon we left with all the existing preparations. We used 2 private cars with 7 family members each. I sat in the middle near the window. I don't know if this place has become a must for me.

During the trip we spent a lot of time chatting and joking. Sometimes we eat snacks in the car. It took a long time, because our journey was hampered by very heavy rain and occasionally we were hit by floods. It didn't feel like 3 hours had passed, we arrived at Merak port.



After a journey of approximately 3 hours. We arrived at the port of the Merak. By preparing ticket costs and also identity. We are ready to go to the ship that we will use.


It was half past six in the afternoon. It's almost dusk. We were ready to queue to enter the ship. Looks quite big and also spacious. This is the first time I boarded this ship after almost 10 years I didn't visit my hometown. A lot has changed but not the memories.

After spending time queuing to enter the ship. We were ready on the ship. This ship is a ferry or also known as a passenger ship. This ship also carries vehicles with passenger accommodation. This ship is not luxurious, only enough for approximately 500 passengers.



In this ship there is a VIP room that can be used to rest. Only by paying Rp. 15.000,- for adults and Rp. 10.000,- for children, you can get a bed to sleep and rest. In addition, for VIP you are provided with a drink and also a special chair to sit and a separate room with a TV.




Because the trip only took about 2 hours, so my family and I didn't choose to be VIPs, we chose to sit outside the room with the mats we brought. Much more fun, because we can enjoy the sea breeze by hanging out and having fun.




With enough space for us to play, we also spent time walking around the passenger room. We walked towards the back of the ship which was filled with private vehicles such as cars and motorbikes. Then we walked to the front part of the ship which was filled with some tools that we didn't understand. Then we went up and down, which only contained the crew and large vehicles. Our excitement also makes time pass quickly, it doesn't even feel when we reach our destination.




Don't forget to take pictures to capture the moment that we rarely do. How come? With a ship that is not too big, we can easily cross the ocean from island to island.




After a 2 hour journey, we arrived at Bakauheni crossing, Lampung. Where this port is a crossing stop from Merak Harbor on the island of Java. The port, which is located at the southern tip of the island of Sumatra, is the beginning of our journey on the island of Sumatra to our beloved hometown.


Thus the story of my journey to the island of Sumatra through the crossing at sea. There's not much I can say. It's just that even though it's not much, it's quite impressive for me.

If you take a trip. Far or near, no matter where and with what vehicle. Because the important thing in a trip is who you travel with. Because special people make the trip special.

Thank you for reading my blog. Don't forget to upvote, comment and reblog if you like it :)

Best Regards,
Tina K Harnis.


Who is Tina K Harnis?

Welcome to Tina K Harnis's little room. She is a girl who is learning to write. She likes to do new and interesting things. She likes traveling, singing and dancing. Lately she has started to love the world of cooking, trying new recipes and sharing them on social media. She is not a celebrity but she wants others to know her well.

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