On the quiet beaches of Búzios - Brazil Series #16 [ENG-ESP]

Rio de Janeiro is not just a city, it is also called the state where it is located, and after spending an incredible week in that wonderful place, I went to explore a little further and so I arrived in Búzios.

Rio de Janeiro no es sólo una ciudad, también se llama así el estado donde se encuentra, y después de pasar una increíble semana en la maravillosa urbe, me fui a explorar un poco más allá y así llegué a Búzios.


I had read in my Brazil guidebook about this coastal town, and after the busy days I spent in the city, it sounded like a good option to get away from the hustle and bustle and relax for a while on quiet beaches.

Había leído en mi guía de Brasil sobre esta localidad costera, y tras los movidos días que pasé en la ciudad, me sonaba como una buena opción para alejarme del bullicio y relajarme un rato en playas tranquilas.


I went to the terminal in Rio de Janeiro at about 11:00 am and took a bus to Búzios, the road there is very nice, full of greenery. After almost three hours I arrived, I got off at the last stop near the city center, I asked where there were hostels and they indicated me the main street, Rua das Pedras, there I got a nice cheap accommodation with a view to the beach. I left my backpack and went for a walk to get to know the surroundings.

Fui al terminal de Rio de Janeiro como a las 11:00 am y tomé un autobús hasta Búzios, la carretera hacia allá es muy bonita, llena de verdor. Luego de casi tres horas llegué, me bajé en la última parada cerca del centro de la ciudad, pregunté dónde había hostales y me indicaron la calle principal, Rua das Pedras, allí conseguí un agradable alojamiento económico y con vista a la playa. Dejé mi mochila y de una vez salí a caminar por ahí para conocer los alrededores.



One of the most visited places in this small city is the Orla Bardot, a promenade that borders the Armaçao Beach, near downtown and that owes its name to the famous French actress icon of the sixties of the last century, Brigitte Bardot. In her youth she vacationed here with her Brazilian boyfriend and as the press spread it all over the world, Búzios became very famous, so the city made this tribute to her, which also includes a statue representing her sitting on a suitcase.

Uno de los lugares más visitados de esta pequeña ciudad es la Orla Bardot, un paseo que bordea la Playa da Armaçao, cerca del centro y que debe su nombre a la célebre actriz francesa icono de los años sesenta del siglo pasado, Brigitte Bardot. En su juventud ella estuvo de vacaciones en este lugar junto a su novio brasileño y como la prensa lo difundió por todo el mundo, Búzios se hizo muy famoso, entonces la ciudad le hizo este homenaje que también incluye una estatua que la representa sentada sobre una maleta.


In this first walk I took in the afternoon and evening of my first day here, I walked through the streets full of stores, boutiques, bars and restaurants. During the day it is a pretty calm place, but at night there are parties everywhere, Búzios is an escape for many people from the city who come here especially on weekends.

En este primer paseo que di en la tarde y noche de mi primer día acá, caminé por las calles llenas de tiendas, boutiques, bares y restaurantes. De día es un lugar bastante calmado, pero de noche hay fiesta en todos lados, Búzios es un escape para mucha gente de la ciudad que viene acá sobre todo los fines de semana.


Since my plan was not to party but to enjoy nature, I will show you the beaches I visited during my three-day stay. Of course I didn't have time to visit them all, Búzios has 17 beaches that are located in its different locations (Ossos, Manguinhos, Armaçao de Búzios y Rasa), both on the peninsula and on the mainland.

Como mi plan no era fiestero sino ir a disfrutar de la naturaleza, les mostraré las playas que visité durante mi estadía de tres días. Por supuesto no me dio tiempo de visitarlas todas, Búzios tiene 17 playas que se encuentran ubicadas en sus diferentes localidades (Ossos, Manguinhos, Armaçao de Búzios y Rasa), tanto en la península como en el continente.


The second day I left the hostel early and visited and bathed in several beaches that are not far from each other: Ossos, Praia do Canto, Armaçao, dos Amores, Azeda and Azedinha, Joâo Fernandes and Joâo Fernandinho.

El segundo día salí temprano del hostal y visité y me bañé en varias playas que no están muy lejos unas de otras: Ossos, Praia do Canto, Armaçao, dos Amores, Azeda y Azedinha, Joâo Fernandes y Joâo Fernandinho.





Although I didn't spend a lot of energy on the beach, my appetite is always whetted in these places, so as I had a light lunch, in the evening I had an abundant dinner in a buffet restaurant (varied food by weight) and as I'm a sweet tooth, I had a delicious coconut and milk delicacy for dessert.

Aunque en la playa no gasté mucha energía, el apetito siempre se abre en estos lugares, así que como almorcé algo ligero, en la noche cené abundante en un restaurante tipo buffet (comida variada por peso) y como soy dulcera el postre no faltó, probé un delicioso manjar de coco y leche.


On the third and last day I spent in Búzios I continued exploring beaches, first I went to one near the hostel, as it was very early in the morning, there was no one there. I really liked the scenery and that I was able to do some hiking on a rocky hill there.

En el tercer y último día que pasé en Búzios seguí explorando playas, primero fui a una cerca del hostal, como era muy temprano en la mañana, no había nadie. Me gustó mucho el paisaje y que pude hacer un poco de senderismo por una colina rocosa que hay allí.




Unfortunately I also witnessed a sad scene, a small dead penguin on the beach, already surrounded by vultures.

Lamentablemente también presencié una escena triste, un pequeño pingüino muerto en la playa, ya rodeado de zamuros (buitres).


Then I decided to go to a more remote beach, I was told that with luck I could see turtles there, it's called Praia da Tartaruga (Turtle Beach). I walked along a wooded dirt path, I think it was about 20 minutes.

Luego decidí ir a una playa más alejada, me dijeron que con suerte podía ver tortugas allí, se llama Praia da Tartaruga (Playa de Tortugas). Fui caminando por un boscoso sendero de tierra, creo que fueron unos 20 minutos.


I didn't see turtles, they don't always show up. Next to this beach, past some rocks, there is also Das Virgens beach, in both places there were people but not too many, so the atmosphere was relaxed.

No vi tortugas, no aparecen siempre. Al lado de esta playa, pasando unas rocas, está también la Playa das Virgens, en ambos lugares había gente pero no demasiada, así que el ambiente era relajado.





I returned to the city center at sunset and went for a walk along the beautiful pier, the falling sun gave a special light to the whole place. I hope you enjoyed this tour, see you next time!

Volví al centro de la ciudad al atardecer y fui a dar una vuelta por el hermoso muelle, el sol cayendo le daba una luz especial a todo el lugar. Espero hayan disfrutado este paseo, ¡hasta la próxima!



If you want to read the previous posts in this series dedicated to Brazil, here are the links:

Si quieren leer las publicaciones anteriores de esta serie dedicada a Brasil, les dejo los enlaces:

Some shots of Fortaleza - Brazil Series #1 [ENG-ESP]

A tour to Morro Branco and Canoa Quebrada, stunning beach landscapes of Ceará - Brazil Series #2 [ENG-ESP]

A long walk in Cumbuco - Brazil Series #3 [ENG-ESP]

Jericoacoara or four days in paradise - Brazil Series #4 [ENG-ESP]

On my way through Recife - Brazil Series #5 [ENG-ESP]

The charming Olinda - Brazil Series #6 [ENG-ESP]

Leaving the cities for nature: Porto de Galinhas (Port of Hens) and Carneiros Beach - Brazil Series #7 [ENG-ESP]

Salvador da Bahia, an enveloping city - Brazil Series #8 [ENG-ESP]

Night in Salvador - Brazil Series #9 [ENG-ESP]

Morro de Sâo Paulo, beach splendor - Brazil Series #10 [ENG-ESP]

It's impossible not to fall in love with Rio de Janeiro - Brazil Series #11 [ENG-ESP]

Visit to the Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden - Brazil Series #12 [ENG-ESP]

Seeing Rio de Janeiro from the height of Pâo de Açúcar and a visit to Niterói - Brazil Series #13 [ENG-ESP]

No matter the religion, everyone wants to go to Cristo Redentor (Christ the Redeemer) - Brazil Series #14 [ENG-ESP]

A fortress, the old aqueduct, the famous stairs and some nightlife in Rio de Janeiro - Brazil Series #15 [ENG-ESP]


All photos are my property and were taken with a Sony Cyber Shot digital camera / Todas las fotos son de mi propiedad y fueron hechas con una cámara digital Sony Cyber Shot

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