Visitation to Olumo Rock in Abeokuta, Ogun State Nigeria

Hello hivers.

For a long time I have heard stories about "Olumo rock" in Abeokuta Ogun state Nigeria. On this faithful day i got the opportunity to visit this place with a friend of mine.

my friend and I

The base of Olumo Rock

this is called Olumo Rock. it is located in the city of Abeokuta, Ogun State in Nigeria. Abeokuta is the capital of Ogun State. From the base to the top Olumo rock is 137 metres above the sea level. you can climb to the top of the rock either by using the elevator or using the staircase. the name Abeokuta got its origin from the Olumo Rock.

"olumo" means "God-Moulded"

The rock in form of a pregnant woman

when you view the rock from the base it bings out a picture of a pregnant lady.

to get to the first phase of the rock you have to climb through 125steps. on getting to the first phase there are two trees dominating this phase. the flambouyant tree and Neem tree. the first phase is named "Lisabi Garden". this was named after one of her past warriors called Lisabi Agbongbo Akala. Lisabi was one of the warriors that fought for the old Egba's to get their freedom when they were under old Oyo empire. people come to this garden for relaxation, picnics and many more.



passing through the ancient route

there is also a shrine where the people of Olumo offer sacrifice. the rock became a deity because during the inter-tribal war the people of Egba hid under the rock. Only the chief priest and the ruler of Egba land are allowed to enter into the shrine during their festival others stays outside and say amen to their prayers.


beneath the rock where the people of Egba hid during the inter-tribal war

Above is the Egba war time hide-out were they hid during the inter-tribal war when they were been oppressed by the ancient Oyo Empire then they were looking for independence. not quite long they settled there another inter-tribal war came up between the Egba's and the Dahomey now republic of benin. Adagba was the great hunter who discovered this hide-out. then it was a forest and only the powerful could come here but after consulting the Ifa Oracle they were told to hide there and Adagba took them to the Hide-out. during that time they constructed 5 rooms with mud 4 have collaped and it remains only 1. the holes on the ground was where they pound their food items.



one of the remaining room out of five constructed with mud.

when they were here the enemies could not see them but when they go on top of the rock they could see the enemies from a far. after the war they were asked where they hid and they said "Abeokuta" which means "under the rock". that was were the name Abeokuta originated from.


At the peak of the rock

lastly from the peak of the rock you would be able to view parts of the city of Abeokuta. there is a tree growing on top of the rock which is said to have been for over 200years. people pray there for long life and prosperity.


Finally we had to refresh ourselves with some delicious meal at their eatery


refreshment time


Thank you all for reading through my post.

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