Challenging Winds on the Way to Mazatlán



We were super excited. We tried to sleep, but it was hard. You might think Mexico is always hot, but this morning we were wearing sweatpants and sweatshirts. We ate just a few blueberries from our last town visit when we were drinking Micheladas. A little boy had passed by, selling them: 1 kilo of fresh blueberries for 80 pesos (4 USD/85 CZK). I made a strong coffee, and it was time to pull the anchor out.

Alex was already gone, but Nixie and Cameron were still there. They texted us around midnight that they would wait one more day because the anchorage at Isla Isabela would be uncomfortable with the strong wind.

At 5:30 am, as scheduled, we left Matanchen Bay with a gorgeous sunrise behind us. We put our sails up and began our 24-26 hour passage. The wind was light, so it was a perfect time to make breakfast and enjoy it in the cockpit. During the day, we both stayed there, only taking three-hour shifts at night.

We had low wind until 2 pm, and then we got strong wind and big swells, making the boat move like a roller coaster. We were heeling close to 20 degrees, which was kind of scary.


We were supposed to arrive in Mazatlan around 8 am the next day, but around 8 pm, the wind completely died, and we had to start the engine. Because we woke up very early, both of us were tired, but the cold breeze woke me up. I decided to take the first watch and let my captain sleep, or at least take a nap. We planned to start with two hours, but Sage couldn’t fall asleep at first. When I saw her finally sleeping, I gave her one more hour. I set an alarm for every 15 minutes in case I closed my eyes. I saw beautiful dolphins jumping next to me and a few flying fish. In the last few hours, I could see Isla Isabela.



Our stern anchor was falling down with every third swell, and I didn’t want to lose it in the darkness of night, so I found a few safety lines and attached it.


At 1 am, I went to wake up my captain. I was ready to jump into bed; after 20 hours, I really needed to close my eyes. Even with the very loud engine noise and crazy waves, I fell asleep the second I touched the bed.

Ten minutes later, something woke me up! I walked back to the cockpit to check what happened…

If you want to know what happened, check my logbook tomorrow.

Your admiral, @pjaroundtheworld!



Dnes je den D. Vstali jsme ve 4:30 ráno, abychom vypluli se svítáním. Dali jsme si rychlé kafe a pár borůvek, snídani většinou vařím po cestě.

Alex už byl pryč, ale Nixie s Cameron nám kolem půlnoci napsali, že zůstanou ještě jeden den tady, protože kotviště u ostrova Isabela má být velmi větrné.

V 5:30 ráno jsme opustili Matanchen Bay s nádherným východem slunce za námi. Jestli si myslíte, že je v Mexiku pořád jen teplo, tak dnes jsme museli obléknout teplákovou soupravu.

Vyvěsili jsme plachty a začali naši 24-26 hodinovou plavbu. Vítr byl slabý, takže to byl perfektní čas na přípravu snídaně. Během dne jsme v kokpitu, jen v noci se střídáme po tříhodinových směnách.

Slabý vítr jsme měli až do dvou hodin odpoledne, pak přišel hodně silný vítr a velké vlny, které rozhýbaly loď jako na horské dráze. Náklon byl až 20 stupňů, což bylo trochu děsivé.

Do Mazatlánu bychom měli dorazit kolem 8 hodiny ranní následujícího dne, ale kolem osmé večer vítr úplně ustal a museli jsme nastartovat motor. Protože jsme vstávali velmi brzy, obě jsme byli unavené. Já jsem se rozhodla vzít první hlídku a nechat kapitána si pospat.

Plánovali jsme dvouhodinové hlídky, ale nakonec jsem zůstala tři. Byla nádherná noc plná hvězd a skoro úplněk. Delfíni a létací ryby skákali podél lodi. Měla jsem nastavený budík každých 15 minut, kdybych náhodou usnula.

V jednu hodinu v noci jsem šla probudit Sage, byla jsem “ready” skočit do postele. Asi po deseti minutách mě něco probudilo. Šla jsem se podívat na palubu, co se stalo…

Pokračování zítra :)

Váš admirál @pjaroundtheworld!

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