🥊Mizuo's Travel Blog🥊No.47 - Sigtuna, Sweden 🇞🇪 - Oct. 2023

The old Viking capital, Sigtuna, Sweden 🇞🇪
The old Viking capital, Sigtuna, Sweden 🇞🇪

Sigtuna, the old Viking capital 


After a couple of years of living in Sweden, I have begun to develop my own kind of "annual events". In the spring, I go to see my sambo's family at Easter (called Posk in Swedish), in the summer I celebrate the beautiful short Swedish summer with friends at the Midsummer Solstice Festival (a long mid-summer vacation), and in the winter I cherish the Christmas vacations and family reunions. In the fall, I go to Sigtuna with my sambo and the autumn leaves.

Sigtuna was once the old capital of Sweden and was ruled by King Olof, Sweden's first king who was convert to Christianity. (Olof is a Scandinavian name that was also used in the movie "Frozen" 😃 Was it the snowman character??!?)

Today, it is a small town near the lakeside of MÀrlaren with only about 9,000 residents, but it has a very long history. It is a place like Nara in Japan. It is a place with a rich history.


シグツゥヌナはか぀おのスりェヌデンの叀郜で、スりェヌデンで初めおキリスト教ぞ改宗した囜王オヌロフが統治した町ぞです。オヌロフっお北欧の名前で、『アンナず雪の女王』にもでおきたすよねぇ😃 雪だるたのキャラでしたっけ


Sigtuna station 

Sigtuna can be reached by train and bus from Stockholm city center for 39 kroner (SEK) one way. In Stockholm, paying 39 kronor allows you to use the train, bus, or boat for 90 minutes anywhere in the city. This may seem a bit expensive for a nearby trip, but for a trip to Sigtuna it seems like a very good deal. It takes about 1 hour and 30 minutes from Stockholm city, but it's great fun to take a little excursion.

The first thing you see when you arrive at the Sigtuna bus stop is this large church of St. Olof Church Ruin.



The church was built around 1100, and visitors can freely enter and see it for free. The trees around the church were also starting to change their leaves to autumnal colors like red and yellow, which was very beautiful. I have been to this church many times, but I never get tired of coming back again and again. A piece of rune stone monument were used in the construction of the church, and although it is sad, I can also see the change in the religious sense at that time in Sweden.


Why would a new religion that comes to a land attack and eradicate a religion that once existed there? It seems that when Christianity came to the Nordic countries including in Sweden, those who believed in the Nordic gods were denied their faith. The current conflict between Israel and Palestine and the war between Russia and Ukraine are also religious conflicts in origin. I was looking at the autumn leaves while thinking how sad it is that people are repeating the same thing all over the world. I think that all religions, even those with different values, need to find a way to live together and get along with each other. I strongly hope so. Don't you think?! 


Swedish fika 🀩🇞🇪

After walking around town for a bit, I still need a break. In fact, I wonder if this break (fika) is the reason I go for a walk. In Sweden, there is a culture called "fika," where people take a break, have a cup of coffee, and eat sweets, which is very cool. It helps a lot to socialize with friends and colleagues. In Japan, it would be like eating Botamochi and drinking green tea, I guess. I think it's a very cool and neat culture of Sweden.


BlÃ¥bÀr pie Blueberry pie 🫐🇞🇪🫐🇞🇪
BlÃ¥bÀr pie Blueberry pie 🫐🇞🇪🫐🇞🇪

The interior is furnished with antique furniture, and the old sewing machine stand has been converted into a table. The décor is really stylish, and it is the perfect place to take a break and have a cup of coffee, Fika! It is like a dream to run such a café ☕ in Japan.


Autum leaves 🍂 and view of Sigtuna 🇞🇪

When you come to Sigtuna, you can't feel like you're in Sigtuna without seeing this view. There is a little hill from which you can see the whole town of Sigtuna. Sigtuna is a town facing Lake MÀralen, and the view of the lake and the contrast between the yellow leaves of the town and the blue of the lake is so beautiful that every year I want to come back and see it again. I would like to come back next year. I sometimes wonder what kind of people live in this town, with its rows of mansions. Although they are mansions, I feel that their modest appearance shows about the character of the Swedish people. Bragging is extremely uncool here! Haha! 


St. Lars Church Ruin

The last stop was at this church site. This church is also designated as a Swedish historical site. I remember that when I visited this church site a few years ago, the autumn leaves were really at their peak and it was really beautiful. The memory of that time is really imprinted in my brain, and I always have to visit Sigtuna at this time of the year when the trees are turning yellow. This has become a regular autumn event for me. And, I am really glad that this beautiful town has enchanted me to hook with Sweden 🇞🇪 


Time has passed so fast! 

Time really does fly by as we get older. The year 2023 has already come to an end? and I am brought back to reality around the time of the autunm leaves. When I put away all my summer clothes and put out my winter coat, I think to myself, "Oh no, it's already the end of the year! Another year is coming to an end..." I feel like I repeat this feeling, and when I look back over the time I have spent so far, I realize that I have created an "event of the year" in my mind. I was surprised that how quickly time had passed. In two months, this year will be over. I hope to spend a good time at the end of the year.


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🥊 Ha det sÃ¥ bra!🥊
🥊See you again!🥊
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🌬1) Prosperity - 利
🌬2) Decline - 衰 
🌬3) Disgrace - 毀
🌬4) Honor - 誉
🌬5) Praise - 称
🌬6) Censure - 譏
🌬7) Suffering - è‹Š
🌬8) Pleasure - 楜

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