Caught in the Ocean's Embrace: A day at New Manawa Beach Resort


Hello, fellow travelers! It's me, Marinel Wanders again, and I’m here to present to you the new discovery of the wanders of Cebu as I go along with my south journey.

Today, I invite you to join me on a journey through the sun-kissed shores of New Manawa Beach Resort where the sea sings a lullaby, and the sand tells stories of countless footprints, each with its own tale. Let’s dive in, shall we?


Me and my husband decided to have a beach getaway. Since we have the same rest days, we want to spend it by having a beach trip. We just want to escape and breathe even for a while from the stressful work at the office and even in everyday life.

On our way to the destination, we just took a bus instead of riding our own motorcycle since we don’t want to get tired from the long drive. Taking the bus was a good choice, because we can sleep and sit comfortably during the ride.


When we arrived at our destination, we were truly amazed by how beautiful it was. The resort had a terrace design and below was the beach with a pearly white sand. The beach was very unique from the other beaches we had visited. The atmosphere is very relaxing and just fit for the mood of the day. It really soothes from our liking to spend on our rest day. The place can make you forget all the problems, the stress and the pressure life can bring in everyday life even for just a moment.

The sea was very calm, the sand was pearly white, and the resort’s design was uniquely beautiful—a perfect combination for a beach escapade.


Because the place was so beautiful we couldn’t help ourselves but to take pictures from the beautiful scenery. We both love the resort so much that’s why we took a lot of pictures to show to our coworkers and families just how fascinating the place was. That way, if they want to visit or they want to go travel they will already have an idea about the place and be encouraged to come here also.


After taking his pictures, I suggest that we will take pictures together also so that we can have a remembrance from our trip today. And we could post and share them on our social media accounts for everyone to see how fascinating and amazing this place. We made sure that we take pictures at every beautiful spot, not missing a single one, so that we can have something to look back in the future and cherish our memories while we’re here.


After the unending taking of pictures, we decided to go for a swim. To fully enjoy the nature and the mesmerizing beauty of the place. As we take dip in the water, we discovered that there are a lot of fish in the sea, we even catch them though it was really difficult because they were so quick. We had a lot of fun, we even spotted a starfish and it’s so cute that I immediately took a picture of it.


After we finished our swim, we decided to take a break because we were starting to feel both cold and hungry. We grabbed a bite to eat and then enjoyed a relaxing chat with my husband about the latest happenings in our lives. We both enjoyed the moment we had, full of chicka galore and laughter. It was so nice having a time like this even we’re so busy with our working schedules. Hoping for another “spending time” both.

As we chatted, we couldn’t resist to take another plenty of pictures for today’s experience. We wanted to ensure that we had a lot of memories from this stunning place. Every spot we visited, we take the opportunity to take pictures so that I could share it to everyone how beautiful, stunning and perfect this place for spending time with your loved ones.


This spot I discovered was also very unique. This tall hard rock was placed between the ocean. It was in the center and very eye catching. Once you’re in this place you can easily find this one since it’s very tall and was placed in the center of the sea. The design, form and texture of the rock was amazing. You can literally ask yourself how this thing was built here? And who is the person behind this amazing work?

Above on this tall rock was a mini terrace for a sight-seeing. You can have a nice view when you we’re on the top. You can see the whole view of the resort, the calm sea, the pristine white sand, and the unique design of the resort created a truly magical setting. It was an ideal place to unwind, recharge, and enjoy each other’s company.


This day was a beautiful reminder to take a break and refresh your mind from reality of life. Don’t feel guilty about taking a break and allowing yourself to breathe for a moment. Cause you deserved it! We deserved it! I deserved it!

Thank you for taking the time to read my travel journey. Until the next adventure calls, may we all find time to pause, breathe, and savor the beauty that surrounds us—wherever we are.
Until then, keep wandering, keep exploring, and never stop dreaming." Adios!

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