The Journey Begins: A Wandering Tale Adventure!


So, here I am once again, back on the go.

I invite you to follow along my adventures in this wandering tale series!

Early this year, I knew that I’d be somewhere at some point. My mom’s house was just the resting spot where I got to see my family a bit before wandering. Thankfully, now she’s healed and we don’t need to have any check-ups anymore. Our cat Shiro, is now fine and has become very close to us. Now that I am overly attached to him, it was difficult saying goodbye to him. The last time I could hold him was when he was sunbathing in his cage. We usually put him there for around 20 minutes then let him go play around the house until the next day. It was like a routine. He was meowing but I had to go. I wish I could bring him to travel with me but I think I kinda did with his fur all over my laptop and his scratches on my backpack. Earlier, he was always staying next to my backpack to use it as his pillow but he ended up giving it a few scratches.


We departed from my hometown at around 8 AM with my dad driving and my mom next to him. On the way, my dad reminded me that I should be careful and such especially when it has been a while I am on the go for a long time and far away. I told him that I will be fine and can take care of myself just fine. I took a slightly longer route this time for convenience. I could either fly for 30 hours with a few hours transit at the airport or I could conveniently take the direct route and also catch some sleep on the way. They ended up becoming much cheaper options as well, so why not? It’s a win-win situation when I can reserve my energy. I think becoming older is all about that, reserving energy and choosing the best way to go without excessively wasting energy and resources we have.

One of the dark sides of being on the road to me is the The airport scene is chaotic and exhausting. Not to mention, there is overpriced water, food, and services that otherwise are cheaper outside. For me, I mostly try to find the best options to eat, drink and make sure that I get the best deal or otherwise, starbucks it is! I can never go wrong with starbucks. These days there are digital hotels popping out and though they are slightly more expensive, I find them pretty convenient to rest and get things done before boarding the flight.

On my first flight to Bali, it was a bit cloudy and inside the train, there was a little turbulence. But most importantly, it was the clouds that made me in awe. I luckily got the window seat and I could enjoy seeing the clouds instead of sleeping. Flying always gets me emotional because it’s something special to me. I used to dream of wandering around as a kid somewhere far and now as an adult, I do it and each time I fly, I can’t really believe it. I guess, it’s something personal that’s special to me. It sounds corny but it was something that as a kid, I dreamt about a lot. Eventually, I landed at Ngurah Rai airport for domestic arrival and I had to find my way to the digital hotel which is located on the international departure and arrival on the 2nd floor. I had to ask a few airport staff to find my way to the place. I usually rely less on my phone because to find these places inside a building, you really just have to ask around. Thankfully it wasn’t that hot and I can walk conveniently especially with my backpack.

How to conveniently cruising the airport scene

As much as I love anything about wandering, the airport scene is something I loathe the most. People are rushing everywhere and I generally don’t like the crowd that much. However these days I find the convenient way to be in the airport without having to go through energy depletion. As someone wandering with full gears and electronics, it used to be a hassle through the security checkpoint. But now I find the most convenient way to do that is just by putting everything inside a pouch and have them go through security. It was one of the easiest things in my experience, especially wandering with only a carry-on.

PassGo Digital Airport Hotel, A convenient sleeping pods.


Where I was flying from, there is something called “ Digital Airport Hotel” where you can stay for a night inside a little capsule. This is not everyone’s cup of tea but considering I’ve stayed in pods and find it comfortable enough, I decided to go with it. I think that it was reasonable considering the location, the service and things included in the hotel compared to pods that I stayed at around Indonesia.


It seems from what I know, people don’t know the existence of this Hotel located on the 2nd floor of Ngurah Rai Airport.



This digital hotel has plenty of pods, clean showers, locker, and most importantly sockets where you can charge your phone and work from the lounge. They certainly have the most boring airport look that you can think of but the pods were quite okay. It was just that it wasn’t noise friendly and that you’d hear every movement. The interior is made with plastic so it’ll sound a lot when you hit something around the edges. I was specifically requesting for the bottom bunk because I had to go through stairs just to anywhere. The stairs were not convenient at all. So make sure when you book a pod, get the bottom bunk.


That is how the room looks like. It comes with a blanket, towel, a complementary drink, and you get tv inside the room as well. The bed was well-padded but certainly you can't expect more for something this reasonable inside the airport. You see, I think I just have lower expectations of things, so simple things like that already brings so much joy. As long as I can sleep, rest, and shower, I rest my case. But if you are boujee and doesn't like that kind of thing, inside the airport there's a novotel hotel which I think is a 5 stars one and definitely much more convenient but of course with some price.

What impressed me the most was their clean shower. I used to struggle with my face and hair without a shower during my backpacking.


Now, I can look a bit more presentable. This is also my tip for you guys, like shower before going anywhere. Not only would you look presentable but also you’d feel less sweaty.


Then, another thing that I liked was their long table to work from at the lounge. The lounge has different types of sockets that you can use. It was my “office” for the day and I quite enjoyed it. For food though, there’s a lift that would take you to the first, second and the third floor of the area. This airport has a bar where you can take drinks before flight. I guess getting a lil drunk before a long flight won’t do no harm, right? But I am generally avoiding that because I tend to get too sleepy after it.

So, considering the location and the convenience of the place, I consider that a win. I think that as time goes, going around has become more convenient. I hope that these types of hotels can be available anywhere because they are life savers.

I would only recommend staying in these if you can’t find any cheap direct flights. But if you do, definitely skip these places.


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