Weekend at San Juan, La Union for #beautifulsunday #sublimesunday

I don't know what happened but I originally posted this in travelfeed but it wasn't posted in hive. I might have clicked something that I shouldn't. Anyway, I'm reposting it here. You can find the original post here.

La Union, particularly San Juan, is one of the places to spend your sunset with friends, family and loved ones.

Chasing the last rays of the light is the perfect way to end the weekend. We have been to another beach earlier in Luna, La Union but our time there was limited so we decided to go to other places where we can spend a time to view the sunset.

Before heading there, we went for lunch first. Check out @bloghound's post Amigo Cafe and View Deck.

It was a long weekend that's why the crowd in San Juan doubled in size. San Juan is known as one of the surfing spots in La Union but also a place to party, drink and be wild. If you are not the partying or surfing kind, food crawl can be a thing there too.

The initial place we planned to go was crowded. Parking is a struggled. We then decided to leave and check out other places that away from the center of the crowd.

Light is fading quickly that's why we had to hasten.

We ended up going to Final Option. That's the name of the place and literally it was our final option. While on our way there, it started to drizzle but luckily the rain held up and allowed us to enjoy the sea, sand and sunset.

That drizzle made sunset in San Juan, La Union all the more better.

Once there, I didn't waste no time and took photos. There is still enough time to take some photos other than the sunset.

As a surfing area, naturally surfing lessons are offered everywhere along the entire beach of San Juan. There are also other activities offered there like kayaking and paddle boating.

Frangipani, Temple Flower or Kalachuchi adorns the property and they are too pretty not to take a photo of. Of all the flowers there, this one caught my attention the most. The earlier drizzle added water droplets making them all the more interesting.

There is a small pool as you enter the property. I like how it is shaped like a heart from this angle. I noticed that there was no one using the pool that time even during our stay at the bar beside it. I guess everyone is at the beach enjoying the surf and sand.

While this is not my first time to be here, it is my first time to spend our time here. This was one of the places that we checked before but the pool was not of our liking for it was tiny. That's why we didn't give it a chance. We still didn't get the chance to swim in their pool but we were for food and drinks.

Before that though, we spend the last moment of the day watching the sunset. We were blessed to have a nice weather to catch a sunset in San Juan, La Union. Nature was kind enough to allow us to spend a lovely time for it knows how badly we needed this.

It was so good to feel the sand again, walk on the beach and enjoy grounding. The beach offers a healing that one can't deny. At first, I had a slip-on but took it off right away and walked the beach, feeling the positive energy it gives.

This is the biggest property along this beach. I do like how the sunset was reflected on its windows. It's one of the places that we checked but we didn't find their deal to our liking. I still think it would be interesting to spend some time there. I have yet to check out their rates.

It's been a long time that I have witnessed a sunset here in the mountains because of the kind of weather that we have. To experience it at the beach is even more worthwhile. I really am grateful for having this kind of experience. To be in that moment is the only thing that I wanted that time. Just being there is enough to set me for a long time.

Bonfires are a common thing at the beach as well. I do remember one weekend long time ago where we also did this. Rented a tent from a nearby store and paid them to set us up a bonfire as well.

I wasn't in the mood for a bonfire that time though. The night was too warm for me.

The two photos above were captured at one of the properties there. What I find interesting is that one can easily go in and out of these properties via the beach.

When finally dark overcame light, we called it a day.

The lights at Final Option were pretty and colorful.

We then settled for food and drinks. Others were having their coffee but some of us preferred beer.

Spending the weekend with friends like @bloghound @naniplayergamer and others, having an enjoyable time together, seeing the joy and laughter, enjoying good food and drinks, sunset in San Juan, La Union, my heart is full.

For #beautifulsunday and #sublimesunday, sunset in San Juan, La Union is another beautiful memory. #BeautifulSunday is an initiative of and #SublimeSunday is an initiative of @ace108 and @c0ff33a.

Here's a short clip for you.


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