Tilted Buildings While Riding the 6th Generation of the Peak Tram in Hong Kong!

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From The Kowloon Hotel, it only took us 20 minutes to reach the Peak Tram, one good spot to take note of when coming here is this seed-like structure, it looked nicer in the evening when its lights are peaking through the tiny holes around it, I learned its called Eye of Infinity by an Australian artist Lindy Lee.

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There were several other people around and so we were expecting Victoria Peak would be crowded. Our tickets were all in my phone so upon coming inside, we just had to show the QR codes and they scanned it without issues. I appreciate that they have an entrance for those who have strollers.

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People were kind of aggressive here, everyone wanted to get in first. I remember there were young ladies who inserted themselves into the line and some Chinese older ladies were murmuring and I believe they were making comments about how those young ladies were disrespectful of the line.

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The Peak is the highest point in Hong Kong and it is the most visited tourist spot as it provides a beautiful view of Hong Kong's harbor and city. Definitely one thing that every tourist must check out. I highly suggest coming here in the afternoon and waiting until the evening. There are many things to do here though aside from just sightseeing, I will mention those things later on.

I made a video when we were already inside the tram, it has a transparent ceiling which was nice as we can see the sky and the sides where the tall buildings and the harbor can be seen.

This tram is already the 6th generation, there were stops along the way showing the first generation which is not anymore working, there's also a video looping inside the tram talking about the evolution of the Peak Tram.

Aside from the tram, there's also a road going up, anyone who wants to hike is free to do it but for most tourists, taking the tram is easier and faster. It takes approximately 7-8 minutes of ride before arriving at the Peak, it's very steep but the ride is worth it. One thing that I noticed was how the buildings looked like they were tilted! Also, one thing to note, The Peak Tram & The Peak Tower offer free Wifi service!

In the video, you'll notice that after getting out of the tram, we have to get to the Peak Market first, here, everyone would have a chance to do some window shopping or really shop for souvenirs and other things, snacks, and drinks can be bought here too.

The Peak Tower is like a mall in fact, we had to take a couple of escalators to reach the top, but on every certain floor, there's access to the tower's balcony for viewing but the highest point would be at the Sky Terrace 428 which is standing at 428 meters above sea level, note that when you get to the top and you want to go down, you won't be able to go up again so make sure to bring food if you plan to stay here for a long time especially if you want to wait for the evening city lights to turn on.


As we were unaware of the single entry, we reached the Sky Terrace 428 at around 4 PM and were hungry but we couldn't get down yet as we still had to wait for the evening. The sun sets at 5:30 PM but after a few rounds and taking photos and videos and selfies, we couldn't wait for all the city lights to turn on, we eventually decided to go down to eat.

But of course, we made sure we took enough photos as our souvenirs. Matti also found out that there was a Ferris wheel nearby the harbor and had been requesting that we go there to ride, we promised him we would ride that the next day which we did, I'll talk about that next time.

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A valley of buildings! It is indeed fascinating to see the buildings and the body of water with the boats sailing here and there. Having a zoom lens was really great here as you can get to zoom into some far areas and take images. I took a lot of photos here below. But first, look at the number of visitors here:

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In every tourist spot, the most challenging part indeed would be taking a photo without any photo bombers! But our group was able to take some group photos, unfortunately, my husband can't figure out who took that photo so I can't share that here. But, I can surely show you the photos I took:

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It was already sunset when my husband and I decided we must go down already. We just took a few shots of the sunset and then we down the escalator. Did I mention that the Peak Tower has a lot of restaurants, shops, and entertainment venues? So if you are into that, you can explore the tower before exiting out. Some of our friends went to have coffee just right above the tram trail which gave them a good view of the city lights and the tram as it arrived at the peak.

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Outside the tower, there's a wide area where there are benches and faux grass for too where kids can play. When we were outside, we spotted some Kabayans (fellow Filipinos) who were with their pet dogs, they were very friendly and the Kabayans even allowed others to pet them and take photos with them!

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There's a first-generation tram outside the tower, opposite to it is the Peak Galleria, another mall which has restaurants and thankfully, there's a McDonald's inside too! My little one had been asking for nuggets! My husband's company reserved a dinner for us but the reservation was still at nine in the evening so we had to eat a little just to help out our tummies.

Why my little one eats his nuggets, we decided to check out the view and we took just a few shots:

It was time to go, we were over the view and so we figured the line was already long going into the Peak Tram again to go back to the lower terminus. But, the line moved quickly too so it didn't take long before we got onto the tram again.

Again, when you are in Hong Kong, be sure to visit Victoria Peak, be sure to take the Peak Tram, and check out the shops and restaurants around there's also the Madame Tussauds located at Shop P101, Level P1! We didn't mind checking this out though.

Combo tickets for The Peak Tram & Sky Terrace 428 are worth HK$148 and HK$74 for children 3-11 years of age.

Thanks for reading!


Boholana | Cebu | Philippines | Travel | Photography Enthusiast | Calligraphy | Art
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