Hiking one of the worlds most active volcanoes - Piton de la Fournaise ( La Reunion)

To hike on one of the world's most active volcanoes is probably one of the most popular hikes on the small Indian Ocean island. La Reunion is a hikers paradise. It's small, but completely dominated by mountains. The highest peak in the middle of the island is Piton des Neiges (3046 m.) Thousand of years ago the volcanic crater collapsed and formed the three caldera / «cirques». They cover around two third of the island. The very active volcano, Piton de la Fournaise covers one third. It's visible from almost all over the island. To hike to the top of both is an iconic experience that will make a deep impression. In 2010 Piton de la Fournaise was added to the UNESCO List of natural treasures. This hike to the volcanowas my third! I visited the island in 1998 and in 2004. Both times with my sons. This time I was here with a friend.

A model of the volcano

La Reunion is a French overseas department, which means French is the spoking language. The currency uses is Euro and you can buy all the same produce as in France. The island has a similar history as Mauritius, the neighbouring island. Among the first to settle here, were Europeans and slaves from Africa. ( aprox. 350 years ago). Some time later more people arrived from Asia and Africa. In addition to French, there is a Creole population. Creole cuisine, culture and language is also part of the island's identity.

Formica Leo

Dolomiu crater covered in clouds

Hiking to the main crater Dolomieu

The whole area is unique. We were introduced to a landscape in tones of red, brown and black. The hike to the top is considered a challening hike. The distance is 10-12 kilometers and usually a five hour return trip. What makes it a hard hike, is the rocky landscape. Often the top will be covered in clouds. Fog can also apear. The trail is marked with white paint. It's strictly advised to follow them. In case of fog you will be able to find your way back. We started by parking the car at Pas de Bellecombe. We arrived very early in the morning in order to try to avoid the fog and low clouds. Then the decent into the outer crater startet. There are 400 steps and the trail is steep. But the mighty view to the Dolomiu is in front of us. It is huge.

Formica Leo

Approaching Dolomiu

Then we reached the bottom of the outer crater called L'Enclos Foucque. All the way we walk in a rocky, lunar landscape of solidified lava. We pass this «small» crater shortly after. It's called Formica Leo. It looks small from the top of the stairs, but it's much bigger than you think, once you get closer.

On our way to the top

The clouds were covering the top. I walked a little further before I started on my return to the carpark.

The area around the crater appeared in the late 1700. Even though there are small craters within the area, Dolemieu is the biggest. Each eruption causes the crater to change. When I was here the two previous times we could walk all around the crater. Now it is not possible. Only possible to walk up to the crater rim. This time the top was covered in clouds so we did not get to see the crater itself.

Back to Formica Leo

The volcano

Piton de la Fournaise is the same type of volcano as the ones on the island of Hawaii. It is some 500.000 years old and reaches a hight of 2.632 m. above sea level. The island has a history of more than 150 recorded eruptions. It actually erupts almost every year. The eruptions and lava flows takes place inside the Chamber and the flow will run down the slopes on the south-east side. No one is living there. So when it erupts there is no real danger.

Even though this was my third visit, I have a feeling it won't be my last either. Since I go to Mauritius each year, it is so easy to combine with La Reunion. A hikers paradise in the Indian Ocean.

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All the photoes are mine, Ulla Jensen (flickr, Instagram and facebook)

[//]:# (!pinmapple -21.24033 lat 55.71579 long Hiking one of the worlds most active volcanoes - Piton de la Fournaise ( La Reunion) d3scr)

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