5 years on Hive today. Happy Birthday! ❤️😃

Then the day is here. 5 years on HIVE today! It's been a long journey but it's gone surprisingly fast, mum thought we were in year 4 but no, we're 5 years old, a day that needs to be celebrated a bit. Told her to make cake, it was delicious thanks mum. 😊

I also want to mention some names from 5 years ago that helped and supported us and to new friends today, @trincowski, @heroldius, @choogirl, @delishtreat, @lizanomadsoul, @stortebeker, @betterthanhome, @brittandjosie, @tobetada from love the couds to chart discussions. 😃 Thanks to @qwerrie, @trippymane I miss you, @fifaguru where are you? @littlebee4, @leo-fairy, @zekepickleman and many more from all over the world, so much fun and thanks for all the support, help and motivation along the way. Thank you very much! And thank you to supporting communities like @pinmapple, @ecency, @photofeed and @campingclub. 👍

It was I Christopher who created the account 5 years ago, and got my mother to contribute with travel stories, photography and street art. I also chose to publish some writing from Sverre. Both have lots of topics they are very enthusiatic about. Sverre is taking a break from Hive right now but Ulla will keep sharing her travel stories and pasion for photography and street art. As some of you may have noticed, the journey has not always been a smooth ride. But again, like I said then, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. And it literally did, with our Hive power now 3x in the last year and we are determined to take all PUM this year and the annual author badge @hivebuzz. 😃

What am I most proud of, I think one of the funnest and best things we came up with is our Street art contest. We have driven it for soon 3 years and it is on week 141. So fun to see lots of art and meet and talk to new Hivers. Thank you for all the love and support there @melinda010100, @ervin-lemark, @trincowski, @heroldius, @tobetada and @arcange. 😃 And some of our faithful and engaging participants as @stortebeker, @betterthanhome, @castri-ja, @dayadam, @missagora, @street-ar, @unuma and many many more. Thanks a lot for making it so fun! 👍

Head over and join edition #141 and give the participants a like. -Christopher

Words from Ulla

One week ago Chris reminded me that we have been on Hive for 5 years. That fact came as a surprise. In my mind I have been thinking it was 4 years, as Chris has pointed out. I have enjoyed very much sharing my passions for travel, photograpy and street art. Reading the stories from other Hivers have been a great inspiration. I am delighted to have found a platform where I can share photography and admire the work of all the talented photografers and travelers on @pinmapple and @photofeed and many more on Hive. So many of you have contributed to our street art contest and it's has been a joy to get to know so many of you. During these years I have shared a number of travel stories. Chris asked me which I would pick if I had to chose three travel stories that have meant the most to me. I won’t repeat everything from the three posts, but I will leave a link in case anyone wants to read.


(both photos are the same as in the original post)

I have traveled with my two sons a lot of times and in 2001 I brought both my sons, Kenneth and Christopher on a trek to the top of Mt. Kilimanjaro when they were 15 and 22 years of age. This is a high altitude trek as Mt. Kilimanjaro has a hight of 5.895 meters above sea level. This makes it the highest mountain in Africa. Even we were used to hiking in Norway, this was our first high altitude trek. The guide of our group told us that only every fifth person who aim for the top, actually reach the top. The physical part was a challenge, but we also learned how to work together. Every member of a group depends on each other. All three of us made it to the top together.

Link to original post: @digi-me/tanzania-to-the-top-of-mt-kilimanjaro-5-895m-with-my-sons


Mauritius is an island I know as my second home. During the years I have come to love the island, the culture and the people. I have seen how the island has develops and changed. When the Chinese settled on the island, they settled in the center of the capital, known as Chinatown. In 2019 I noticed that several of the worn facades had been refurbished, the streets had become more tidy and every street art had appeared. Chinatown had suffered from neglect for years. Then a group of young people found that it was time to clean it up and make the district more attractive. They started the a foundation and do the work on a voluntary basis. I was very impressed to see how they have a desire to take care of their cultural heritage and what they have achived.

Link to original post: @digi-me/street-art-53-how-street-art-isused-as-a-tool-in-urban-renewal-mauritius


Another experience that impressed me was this exhibition in Copenhagen by the Japanese born artist named Chiharu Shiota, called «Multiple Realities». The exhibition in itself and the surroundings she had chosen, gave us a complete surreal experience. The place was the Cisterne – a former underground water reservoir. You enter a universe of darknes, never ending corridors (it seems) and dripping water. It was cold with a cloomy atmosphere. This was a huge contrast to her very delicate and dreamlike exhibion with creations of dresses spinning around, reflected by mirrors and water. A white dress surrounded by something that looks as a spiders web. Imprissoned or protected? I couldn’t make up my mind. But I was facinated!

The original post: @digi-me/denmark-delicate-magic-under-the-surface-of-copenhagen

Please do follow if you want to keep up with our next post. Any upvotes or reblogs are hugely appreciated!

Sincerely Christopher & Ulla

Kristiansand, Norway

All the photos are our own if not stated else

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