Ich bin wieder da!!! / Iam back!!! (DE / ENG)

Und da ist sie wieder aber diesmal, mit anderen schönen Bildern und Eindrücken von meinem aktuellen, spontan verlängerten Urlaub in Thailand.🇹🇭

Vor allem genieße ich hier, neben der atemberaubenden Landschaft, die Mentalität und das Lebensgefühl der Thais, welches mir in der europäischen Welt total fehlt! Auch das Essen darf natürlich nicht fehlen sowie die Freiheit die man hier hat, neben ein paar wenigen und wichtigen Regeln 😊

Dieses Jahr war dann auch der heftigste Urlaub den ich hier je verbracht habe! Angefangen mit schlechtem Wetter die ersten zwei Wochen, dann ein katastrophaler Aufenthalt in einem 5 Sterne Hotel wo ich vorzeitig auschecken musste, anschließend ein dreitägiger ambulanter Krankenhausaufenthalt weil ich mir ne Blase wund gelaufen habe am Fuß der sich noch fein mit Bakterien entzündet hat und sich im ganzen Bein ausgebreitet hat, gefolgt von zwei Wochen Durchfall und anschließend einen schönen Sonnenstich, obwohl ich im Schatten gechillt habe.

Dies war übrigens auch der Grund, warum ich spontan verlängert habe. So nicht! Nicht mit mir! Ich brauchte Urlaub und den nehm ich mir dann einfach. Ein Glück hat mich der Spaß dann nur 350€ gekostet für die Umbuchung und weitere 250€ für die Übernachtung im schönen Bungalow bei meiner Freundin. Aber das Geld war es mir dann auch wert. Das Geld vom Hotel muss ich mir dann wahrscheinlich erstreiten und die Auslagen für die ärztliche Behandlung im Krankenhaus bekomme ich dank ADAC Premium Member nach Einreichung zurück. Wenigstens etwas 🤷🏼‍♀️

Nun habe ich noch 3 Tage, bevor ich wieder zurück ins kalte Deutschland muss um dort das FA und die Regierung zu füttern, aber werde schnell einen Masterplan machen, um dort so schnell wie möglich die Zelte abbrechen zu können. Denn mein Ziel ist es dauerhaft in Thailand zu bleiben und zu arbeiten. Auch wenn hier auch nicht alles perfekt ist, so fühle ich mir jedoch nicht ausgebeutet, benutzt und entmündigt.

Ich denke einige werden verstehen was ich damit meine. Doch nun ab zu den Bildern und Eindrücken und allen einen schönen Sonntag gewünscht, egal wo ihr auch seid ❤️ eure briilanttouches


Goodbye Europa
goodbye europe


Erster Snack nach dem Start
first snack after the start


Lang machen, Film schauen und entspannen
Stretch out, watch a movie and relax


Kleiner Snack und Drink zwischendurch
Small snack and drink in between


Weil es so lecker war nochmal
Because it was so delicious again


Während des Fluges schon mal passende Kleidung angezogen 😄
Put on suitable clothing during the flight 😄


Frühstück vor der Landung in Phuket
Breakfast before landing in Phuket


Nachtisch darf nicht fehlen und die Qualität von Qatar ist wirklich großartig
Dessert is a must and the quality of Qatar is really great


Wunderschöner Ausblick aus dem miesen 5 Sterne Hotel
Beautiful view from the lousy 5 star hotel


Trotzdem erstmal entspannen und genießen 😌
Nevertheless, relax and enjoy first 😌


Das beste am Hotel war der Himmel nachts 😄
The best thing about the hotel was the sky at night 😄


Ein kleiner „lustiger“ Keks kann ja auch entspannt sein 😎
A small "funny" cookie can also be relaxing 😎

Wunderschöner Ausblick aus dem miesen 5 Sterne Hotel


So fing es an…
This is how it started...


… und so hat es geendet mehr oder weniger 🤷🏼‍♀️
… and this is how it ended more or less 🤷🏼‍♀️


Meine Medikamente inkl. Rechnung im persönlichen Beutel
My medication incl. invoice in my personal bag

Erster schöner Sonnenuntergang nach dem schlechten Wetter
First beautiful sunset after the bad weather


Welch magischer Anblick 😍
What a magical sight 😍


Das erste Mal schwimmen im Pool nach zwei Wochen
Swimming in the pool for the first time in two weeks


Kleines Selfie und den Moment genießen nach dem ganzen Stress
A little selfie and enjoy the moment after all the stress


Man muss auch mal nach oben schauen
You also have to look up sometimes


Im Regen tanzen
Dancing in the rain


Runter kommen
Come down


Das hab ich mir verdient und schmeckt einfach göttlich 🙏🏻
I've earned it and it tastes simply divine 🙏🏻


Und da ist sie, meine kleine @fressraupe 🥰
And there she is, my little @fressraupe 🥰

###And here she is again, but this time with other beautiful pictures and impressions from my current, spontaneously extended vacation in Thailand.🇹🇭

Thailand has been my second home since 2013, even though I like to travel to other countries from time to time, I am always drawn back here at least once a year. This came about through a good friend who decided to live here because of her Thai roots and I like to combine this friendship with a vacation to maintain it.

Above all, I enjoy the breathtaking landscape, the mentality and the Thai way of life, which I totally miss in the European world! And of course the food and the freedom you have here, along with a few important rules 😊

This year was the most intense vacation I have ever spent here! Starting with bad weather for the first two weeks, then a disastrous stay in a 5-star hotel where I had to check out early, followed by a three-day outpatient hospital stay because I got a blister on my foot that became infected with bacteria and spread throughout my leg, followed by two weeks of diarrhea and then a nice sunstroke, even though I was chilling in the shade.

Incidentally, this was also the reason why I spontaneously extended my stay. Not like that! Not with me! I needed a vacation and I just took it. Luckily it only cost me €350 for the rebooking and another €250 for the overnight stay in my friend's beautiful bungalow. But it was well worth the money. I'll probably have to fight for the money from the hotel and thanks to ADAC Premium Member, I'll get the expenses for the medical treatment at the hospital back after submitting them. At least something 🤷🏼‍♀️

Now I still have 3 days before I have to go back to cold Germany to feed the FA and the government there, but I will quickly make a master plan to be able to pull up stakes there as quickly as possible. Because my goal is to stay and work in Thailand permanently. Even though not everything is perfect here, I don't feel exploited, used or disempowered.

I think some people will understand what I mean by that. But now off to the pictures and impressions and I wish you all a great Sunday, wherever you are ❤️ your brillianttouches

And here she is again, but this time with other beautiful pictures and impressions from my current, spontaneously extended vacation in Thailand.🇹🇭

Thailand has been my second home since 2013, even though I like to travel to other countries from time to time, I am always drawn back here at least once a year. This came about through a good friend who decided to live here because of her Thai roots and I like to combine this friendship with a vacation to maintain it.

Above all, I enjoy the breathtaking landscape, the mentality and the Thai way of life, which I totally miss in the European world! And of course the food and the freedom you have here, along with a few important rules 😊

This year was also the most intense vacation I've ever spent here! It started with bad weather for the first two weeks, then a disastrous stay in a 5-star hotel where I had to check out early, followed by a three-day outpatient hospital stay because I got a blister on my foot that became infected with bacteria and spread throughout my leg, followed by two weeks of diarrhea and then a nice sunstroke, even though I was chilling in the shade.

Incidentally, this was also the reason why I spontaneously extended my stay. Not like that! Not with me! I needed a vacation and I just took it. Luckily it only cost me €350 for the rebooking and another €250 for the overnight stay in my friend's beautiful bungalow. But it was well worth the money. I'll probably have to fight for the money from the hotel and thanks to ADAC Premium Member, I'll get the expenses for the medical treatment at the hospital back after submitting them. At least something 🤷🏼‍♀️

Now I still have 3 days before I have to go back to cold Germany to feed the FA and the government there, but I will quickly make a master plan to be able to pull up stakes there as quickly as possible. Because my goal is to stay and work in Thailand permanently. Even though not everything is perfect here, I don't feel exploited, used or disempowered.

I think some people will understand what I mean by that. But now off to the pictures and impressions and I wish you all a great Sunday, wherever you are ❤️ your brillianttouches

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