BevVoyage 6: Travel Stories Throughout The Years (Unlocking Tuburan 360 Cafe)

minimalist blue beach Welcome summer (Poster (Landscape)).jpg

Together let us unlock the beauty of Tuburan 360 Cafe.

Have you been to Tuburan 360 cafe?

A question I asked to our newly hired colleague. She also loves rides as she owns a motorcycle. She shook her head signifying that she hasn’t. “Let’s go there!” I excitedly replied. Her face beamed a yes and automatically, it was a date on August 3, Saturday.

We met at Prince On The Go near the Petron Gas Station at around 10 in the morning and rode our way to Tuburan 360 Cafe. It was my first motorcycle ride on that road thus, the scenery was new to me. I already made a research via google map beforehand hence, I was confident. On the other hand, it was her first official long ride as she only does rides within the jurisdiction of Bogo City and Daanbantayan.

We passed along the green mountains and long trees that gave shade during our rides along with the blue seas and skies. It was a delight seeing those under the beautiful weather. The rainy weather on the previous days kind of worried us but thankfully, it was a bright and sunny Saturday. After two hours, we reached the Municipality of Tuburan and I saw the sign of the cafe and followed it.

Before going to the café itself, you needed to pay for their environmental fee amounting to 20 pesos.


Ate who collects the environmental fee.

The café is nestled at the top of the mountain therefore, the journey to the café is steep. Its road is concrete however, one must be extra cautious. The ride was a literal rollercoaster with its series of uphill with sudden turns and steep downhill that I had to press the hand brake really hard. I even had to grip in its maximum for me to reach to the top.

I did not let my fear take over me and drove calmly until we arrived at the café. The atmosphere brought an immense glee to me as if I were in euphoria. Happiness was an understatement for me. My feeling was beyond that and could not be expressed properly into words.






The first thing we did was to take a photo at the Love Tuburan 360 sign.

We roamed around the café and captured a lot of photos individually and together. It was a marvelous sight to witness. From its beautiful landscape to cottony clouds to blue sky to lush highlands. The place brought us to Tagaytay or in another country. The scenery was like a post card. It is a haven for nature lover like me.



On the way to the restaurant.

My heart was full of pure joy and was elated to finally visit the café that I longed for. A lot had already been to the café and most of their feed back was their dangerous road though the place was a sight to see based on their pictures. I knew that I must go there and I needed to be there.

They even warned me to refrain me from going there alone and it got me into contemplating but it was already listed in my bucket list. I just needed someone to accompany me or else, strong willed that I am, I will go there on my own. On the other hand, few told me that my capability could do it which added hope in me. Good thing there was a newly hired employee in our office who shares the same passion as mine.




There she goes. There she goes again. 🎶

When pictures are done taken, we proceeded to their café since it was already noon. They have a restaurant and we believed that their menus are pricey thus, we opted to spend some time in their café.


The interior of the café.

Sure enough, as expected, their drinks were indeed pricey as we looked upon their menu. It made me conclude that their restaurant has the same prices as their café. I just settled for a matcha latte which costs 200 pesos. Their coffees range from 180 Php to 200 Php while their pastries range from 100-300 Php per piece or slice.





The alfresco where you can breathe fresh air while enjoying your food.

We sat outside the café with an overlooking view of the nature. Enjoying every bit of what my eyes laid at yet already starving and we wanted a meal but our budget is limited. Thankfully, my colleague was to the rescue and took out the mamon bread she bought at a famous bakeshop before we traveled to the café. It was certainly a life saver.





The mandatory photo of me, my matcha and my helmet.

To kill time, we chatted and got to know more of each other. I began telling her stories of my travel experiences most especially the solo ones and the solo long rides I had. She then expressed how she wanted to do what I did but was scared. She also told me to tag her along with me on my next long rides to which I happily agreed. Other than that, we talked about her experience at work and her new environment. It so happened that she already turned one month in the office. So, this trip served as a celebratory getaway for her reaching a month. We just talked anything under the sun that we did not notice the time. It was already 2:30 in the afternoon. I then politely asked her to take a photo of me.



Yours truly, Lady Rider 18.

Feeling like the photos taken were not enough, we went to a different area of the cafe and captured a lot of pictures that it was unstoppable.




And a lot of pictures.

It would be ideal to witness the sun set in the place but we were worried that if we do so, we will drive on a dim path. We could not take the risk especially that the road is dangerous.

Moreover, it was evident in our smiles that we had so much fun in this trip. We both have different struggles in life but immersing with the nature was a great healing. It taught us that life and adulting are still good and have a lot of good things to offer. It is only you who creates your own happiness therefore, you just have to discover and be open about it.


Just look at the view.

Visiting Tuburan 360 Café and Restaurant was a great kick-off to start my August 2024. And I pray and hope for a fruitful months ahead of me with full of blessings and learning. In addition, I am also glad to make a new friend.

And that is all for today’s blog. Until the next one.

Thank you for reading.


Immersing with nature

With so much love - XOXO,
Bev 😘

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