Our First Cruise - Day 7 - Bonaire

Our last official stop on our cruise was in Bonaire. It is famous for its salt domes along the ocean at a specific time of the year. We didn't see any of that, but we did see salt for sale. This is day 7 of our cruise!

We were only in Bonaire for a few hours, so we left the ship right after breakfast. The ship was set to leave the port at 1pm that afternoon, so we stayed close to the port.


We walked around and saw some cool fish in the crystal clear water. They had a cute little town with shops, but we weren't able to find free internet here.

There were some cannons from an old fort and a little tower. We also found a Little Library outside of a museum. I found an expat workbook that I kept. I thought it might be useful here in Panama!

My husband took a little time snorkeling in the ocean while I watched him from the shore. There were a few other people swimming or sitting in the shade. There wasn't much beach - it was mostly coral pieces everywhere.

After that we returned to the ship at 12:00 and had lunch at the buffet. We then learned that the formal dining room was also open for lunch, so we thought we would try it out as well. We learned that it was only open for lunch a few days during each cruise. We had lamb pitas and sat by a couple we hadn't seen before that we enjoyed talking to.


After lunch, we took some photos of Bonaire from the ship. We also checked out the pool and "warm" tub, but those didn't last long - it was hot, sunny, and crowded! We also did some time in the sauna.


The spa put on a seminar that sounded interesting about detoxing your body and percentage body fat. The speaker put electrodes on our foot and hand and entered our body weight into a machine and read our body density. When he first did Ben's, he put his weight in pounds in kilos, so it said he needed to lose about 100 pounds! It was pretty funny, but he was able to redo it and got better results.

Then it was time for dinner and we decided to dress up a little and go around 6:15 again when it opened. The dinner theme was The Royal Night and the food was good.

I believe I started off with the avocado and melon salad, then had cheese tortellini, and ended with most of the desserts. Ha! The desserts were always my favorite part and so good!


Next we had a country show put on at the theater on the ship. It was really cute and I knew most of the songs! I had two favorite singers that I would later meet - the two singing at the front. I now follow them on Instagram to see where God is leading them. Both are Christian and Gabriel is even from Texas! I could tell from his twang while he was singing. Ha!

After this, we ended the night going to the jewelry shop on the ship and seeing if we had won the prize. They had some pretty amazing jewelry at insanely high prices. I almost wanted to buy some of them, but when we were off the ship once, I looked on eBay for some of the same gemstones and decided I could wait! Ha!

We had a fun day in Bonaire and on the ship! It is pretty amazing how quickly a week passes when you're having fun and being entertained!

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Our Cruise -
Day 1 - Colon, Panama
Day 2 - Cartagena, Colombia
Day 3 - At Sea
Day 4 - Oranjestad, Aruba
Day 5 - Curacao
Day 6 - Curacao

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