2024: Bohol in a Day

It was with clear skies after the wedding as the morning comes. Early, I woke up excited to dip on the pool. I saw the pool the other day, it was inviting I preplanned that in the morning I must swim. So I did asked the kids if ever they would want to join. They did. I only had 30 mins for the pool, I also wanted to explore a bit of Tagbilaran City.

I exited the pool leaving kids and their mothers down at the kiddy pool. We actually had only the chance to use the kiddy pool since the adults were on cleaning maintenance. It was said to be open at 9 am. I couldn't wait for it.
I waved goodbyes to them.


If you ever had plan to visit Bohol then you may check out this resort at their Page here.:

Bohol Tropics Resort

I was actually thankful that Ate Rubi, shared her room for me that night. I didn't had to find a room to stay after the wedding. Bohol Tropics Resorts is huge and spacious. It was peaceful and with the summery vibes. There were lots of room to choose from and with complete amenities to enjoy. Events like weddings is held here.


After the kiddy pool swim, I had the shower and left the resort. I rode the tricycle downtown and was determined to see the Cathedral which I saw the other night. It was with the old facade, standing firm. I walked the lane and entered the church. I was in awe seeing those high ceilings artworks. It was silent, I prayed and took photos for a remembrance.


I exited the church full of hopes. I went to the park across the street. It felt like little Spain maybe, well I don't know exactly what I mean about it because I haven't been to Spain but yeah, looking around, with the landmark and old white paints.


The pigeons flying to and fro coming near people who fed them. The man with the book in his hands peacefully reading, I could only imagine I was in Europe, I snapped myself back to reality. Nope, I am in Bohol. Just in Bohol. In Tagbilaran. 😆

Okay, Pause. Breathed in the airs of Tagbilaran City. I walked several establishment down and had some window shops. My stomach growled asking for breakfast, I entered the Chowking and eat the fried siomai rice toppings. I hoped I was eating on the place where Tagbilaran City is quite popular by locals and not the food chain. But no time to waste, I still had the van to catch up.

I went to the jeepney terminal and rode it but it seemed they wouldn't go when its not yet full. I had a ferry to catch, better be faster now. I got out and rode the tricycle instead. I was glad the driver was helpful too and I remember it was also the tricycle driver that brought me to Cathedral, who I talked going there. He actually knew where to take me already. He said that he would wait at the Cathedral but I humbly denied because I didn't want to hussle him any longer, but in the end, with all the walking and exploring he saw me beside the streets hailing some tricycle. Isn't it something? He was actually attractive and helpful. He helped one tricycle driver who had a flat tire on the way. He politely asked me if I didn't mind giving him few minutes tying the other tricycle to his. Well, I didn't mind. We dropped the other driver to shop for a fix. I think he was single but we are not match. 😆


The terminal was quite far from the center where I eaten my breakfast. It was maybe a 15 mins tricycle trip. I thanked the driver for the help. It was the back of the Island Central Mall. I went to the van for Ubay. The sit was almost occupied I was lucky, but it has not gotten full easily after me, we had to wait for another 30 mins. I was little bit worried I couldn't ride the 1 pm ferry to Hilongos.

I prayed, and still hoped for the best. The van got full and we were eager to go. Going back to Ubay port, I didn't mind to much of the ways and the several municipalities along the way. I was feeling exhausted and bit worried about the ferry boat. I arrived a little bit late. The ticketing officer had his tickets reported to the ferry staff, and the boat would leave any minute. I asked a lift so I could catch it before they would unhooked the rope. I was the last passenger on board. It was a thrilled moment for me, I was just one step before the bridge closed. I felt relieved when I was inside and paid the staff there with the fare.


That was one memorable Bohol trip. Bohol is a uniquely different Island than Leyte. Do you happen to visit? I hoped I could explore it more without being in hurry. Maybe another time.

Thanks for reading.
See you on the next one.
Images are mine taken with Vivo 1901.
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Asean Hiver. Hive Ph. Islander Journal.Ladiesofhive. Loves Reading and sharing thoughts and experiences.

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