Savršena pita! 😋😋😋 The perfect pie! 😋😋😋

Ako vam treba slani zalogaj na brzinu, za rodjendan, proslavu, neočekivane goste. . . evo rešenja! Ukus je božanstven, lagan, kompletan, bez mnogo testa, primamljivo izgleda, zato opravdano je zovem “SAVRŠENA PITA”!
Dosta priče, evo recepta!
Evo šta je potrebno od namirnica za rajski ukus: mleveno meso, luk, paradajz, sir, jaje, maslinovo ulje, začini i tortilja. . .
Pa, da krenemo. . .

If you need a quick savory snack, for a birthday, celebration, unexpected guests. . . here is the solution! The taste is divine, light, complete, without much dough, it looks tempting, that's why I justifiably call it the "PERFECT PIE"!
Enough talk, here's the recipe!
Here's what you need from ingredients for a heavenly taste: minced meat, onion, tomato, cheese, egg, olive oil, spices and tortilla. . .
Well, let's go. . .


Pripremite meso u jednu činiju, izrendajte i dodajte luk, iseckajte dva paradajza, i izrendajte 50 grama sira. Pomešajte sa mesom.

Prepare the meat in a bowl, grate and add the onion, chop two tomatoes, and grate 50 grams of cheese. Mix with the meat.





Zatim toj smesi dodajte začine: so, biber, suvi začin i papriku.

Then add spices to that mixture: salt, pepper, dry spice and paprika.


Nakon što ste sve promešali, isecite tortilje na četiri dela i u svaki deo umotajte tanko namazanu smesu/fil.

After you have mixed everything, cut the tortillas into four pieces and roll each piece with the thinly spread mixture/filling.



Svaki deo će izgledati kao fišek. Poredjajte ih u okruglu tepsiju.

Each part will look like a chip. Arrange them in a round pan.


Umutite jedno jaje da kašikom maslinovog ulja i premažite a zatim pospite susamom!

Beat one egg and coat with a spoonful of olive oil, then sprinkle with sesame seeds!




Uključite rernu na 200 stepeni i pecite pitu 30 minuta. . .

Turn on the oven at 200 degrees and bake the pie for 30 minutes. . .




Miris koji se širio već je nagovestio da ću uskoro uživati i u idealnom ukusu! Pita osim što lepo izgleda, ne mora da se seče kao mnoge druge već odvajate rukom komad po komad. To predstavlja pravi ritual. 😋 ja sam za početak uzela dva parčeta i uz njih dodala salatu “Simfonija”.

The smell that was spreading already indicated that I will soon enjoy the ideal taste! Apart from looking nice, the pie doesn't have to be cut like many others, but you separate it piece by piece by hand. It is a real ritual. 😋 I took two pieces to start with and added the "Symphony" salad to them.



Pita i salata su brzo nestajale a stomak je počeo da se puni. 😁

The pita and salad quickly disappeared and the stomach began to fill up. 😁


Nadam se da nećete odoleti SAVRŠENOJ PITI! Kada je jednom probate, uvek ćete je praviti!

I hope you won't resist the PERFECT PIE! Once you try it, you'll always make it!

Bon apetit!

Bon provecho!

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!

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