Dani berbe groždja 🍇🍇🍇 Grape harvest days 🍇🍇🍇

U mom gradu svakog septembra proslavljaju se Dani Berba groždja. Festival vina, groždja i zabave. Ove godine se proslavlja 65 put!Dani berbe groždja, moji sugradjani popularno zovu
GROŽĐEBAL”To je najveća,najstarija i najposećenija turističko-privredna manifestacija na ovim prostorima.
Za vreme Groždjebala organizuju se koncerti, dečiji maskenbali, baca se groždje iz aviona, održava Mis berbe groždja, prodaje se najkvalitetnije vino 🍷 i groždje🍇!
Danas smo moja familija i ja pokušali da osetimo sve čari ovog festivala.

Grape Harvest Days are celebrated in my town every September. Festival of wine, grapes and fun. This year it is celebrated for the 65th time! My fellow citizens popularly call it Grape Harvest Days
GRAPE BALL" It is the largest, oldest and most visited touristic and economic manifestation in these areas.
During the Grape Festival, concerts, children's masquerade balls are organized, grapes are thrown from airplanes, Miss Grape Harvest is held, the best quality wine 🍷 and grapes🍇 are sold!
Today, my family and I tried to feel all the charms of this festival.






Sam centar grada je blokiran za saobraćaj da bi šetači uživali posmatrajući i kupujući razne proizvode, suvenire i slatkiše. Evo nekih zanimljivih tezgi sa zanimljivim ručnim radovima i hranom.

The city center itself is blocked to traffic so that walkers can enjoy looking at and buying various products, souvenirs and sweets. Here are some interesting stalls with interesting handicrafts and food.







Deca se najviše raduju. Ovih dana su štandovi prepuni slatkiša, čak im ni ja nisam odolela! 🍡🍬🍭🍩

Children are the most happy. These days the stalls are full of sweets, even I couldn't resist them! 🍡🍬🍭🍩





Ipak je najviše dominiralo groždje. Najpoznatije i najprodavanije je groždje Hamburg! Plave loptice smeštene u gajbe privlačile su posetioce ali i pčele. Bili smo oprezni pri kupovinu. 🐝😅

However, grapes dominated the most. The most famous and best-selling grape is Hamburg! Blue balls placed in crates attracted visitors as well as bees. We were careful when buying. 🐝😅





S obzirom da je Vršac grad vina i groždja, u centru grada je napravljena statua Vinka Lozića, fiktivna ličnost koja stoji u centru grada kao njegov simbol i čuvar. Iskoristile smo priliku da se slikamo sa njim. Bio je vrlo miran i dopustio nam je da se slikamo pored njega.😄

Considering that Vršac is the city of wine and grapes, a statue of Vinko Lozić was made in the city center, a fictitious person who stands in the city center as its symbol and guardian. We took the opportunity to take a picture with him. He was very calm and allowed us to take pictures next to him.😄


U medjuvremenu smo ogladnele. Tradicija na Groždjebalu je pečenje kobasica, pa je tako bilo i danas. Osim što je kobasica ukusna, ljudi se druže u zajedničkom ritualu.

In the meantime, we got hungry. The tradition at Groždjebal is to bake sausages, and that is how it was today. In addition to the sausage being delicious, people bond over a common ritual.




Nakon obilnog obroka, u planu je bio i odlazak na ringišpil 🎡koji deca najviše vole. Zato smo krenuli tamo. Deca toliko vole da se voze na ringišpilu da morate pripremiti celu platu! 😅

After a hearty meal, the plan was to go to the merry-go-round 🎡, which children love the most. That's why we headed there. Kids love riding the merry-go-round so much that you have to prepare the whole salary! 😅




Nakon nekoliko vožnji, svima nam se vrtelo u glavi. . . 😵‍💫🤪😆
Nakon nekoliko sati šetnje, odlučili smo da krenemo kući. Treba sačuvati energiju kao i novac 💰😅 jer festival treje tri dana!
Ostali mi je još toliko snage da vas pozovem na Groždjebal ako dolazite u Srbiju tokom septembra i ne propustite Dane groždja i vina kada ceo grad miriše na ovo fantastično voće i piće! 🍇🍷 Źiveli!🥂

After a few rides, we were all dizzy. . . 😵‍💫🤪😆
After a few hours of walking, we decided to head home. You need to save energy as well as money 💰😅 because the festival lasts for three days!
I still have so much energy left to invite you to Groždjebal if you are coming to Serbia during September and don't miss the Days of Grapes and Wine when the whole city smells of this fantastic fruit and drink! 🍇🍷 Long live!🥂

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!

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