Cake without flour and sugar, who could resist? 🍪 Kolač bez brašna i šećera, ko bi odoleo? 🍪

Verujem da se mnogi od nas trude da odole većini i slatkiša, ali ovom kolaču nećete. Zašto? Zato što ne sadrži ono što treba da izbegavamo a to su brašno i šećer. Zdrav, lagan, brzi se pravi, jeftin!
Za ovaj sjajan kolač bam treba: tri banane, tri jaja, 50 grama kakaa, jedan prašak za pecivo i jedna čokolada za kuvanje. . .

I believe that many of us try to resist most sweets, but you won't with this cake. Why? Because it does not contain what we should avoid, namely flour and sugar. Healthy, light, quick to make, cheap!
For this great cake, you need: three bananas, three eggs, 50 grams of cocoa, one baking powder and one cooking chocolate. . .


Prvo izgnječite banane a zatim dodajte tri jaja i promešajte.

First, mash the bananas and then add three eggs and mix.




Zatim dodajte kakao i opet promešajte. Možete žicom, ja sam viljuškom. Poenta je da se meša ručno.

Then add cocoa and mix again. You can use a wire, I use a fork. The point is to mix it by hand.



Kada ste dobro promešali sastojke, na kraju dodajte prašak za pecivo i promešajte još pola minuta. Izlomite 100 grama čokolade i pobacajte odgore. Zatim pripremite posudu u kojoj ćete ispeći kolač. Pre nego što stavite smesu, na dno stavite papir za pečenje.

When you have mixed the ingredients well, finally add the baking powder and mix for another half a minute. Break 100 grams of chocolate and sprinkle on top. Then prepare the pan in which you will bake the cake. Before you put the mixture, put baking paper on the bottom.


Sada polako spustite smesu u posudu u kojoj ćete peći kolač. Uključite rernu na 200 stepeni i pecite 20 minuta.

Now slowly pour the mixture into the pan in which you will bake the cake. Turn on the oven at 200 degrees and bake for 20 minutes.



Nakon 20 minuta, izvadite kolač da se ohladi. Trebalo bi da vam je ovako ispao:

After 20 minutes, remove the cake to cool. It should look like this:



Kada se kolač ohladi, isecite na komade 10x10 jer je lagan pa nema potrebe da parče bude manje. Pospite ga kakao ( ukrasite ) i stavite komad banane na njega. Mislim da izgleda ekegantno i romantično. 😍

When the cake has cooled, cut it into 10x10 pieces because it is light, so there is no need to make the piece smaller. Sprinkle it with cocoa (decorate) and put a piece of banana on it. I think it looks elegant and romantic. 😍




Lep, ukusan, lagan, jeftin, zdrav, brzo se pravi. Zar može bolje od toga?

Nice, tasty, light, cheap, healthy, quick to make. Can it get any better than that?
Bon apetit! 🍪😍😋

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!

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