Čovek da bi naucio da ceni trenutke potrebne su godine! ❤️😢❤️ It takes years for a person to learn to appreciate moments!

Želim sa vama da podelim dogadjaj je zauvek promenio moj život ... 😢 Ja sam rodjena i odrastala sam u jednom malom selu nadomak Zrenjanina. Imala sam lepo, srećno i bezbrižno detinjstvo. Živela sam sa ocem,majkom i mladjim bratom , bili smo porodica koja je dosta vremena provodila zajedno isli bismo na pecanje, kuvali smo zajedno, išli na piknike sve u svemu bili smo jako bliski i vezani.❤️

I want to share with you an event that changed my life forever... 😢 I was born and grew up in a small village near Zrenjanin. I had a beautiful, happy and carefree childhood. I lived with my father, mother and younger brother, we were a family that spent a lot of time together, we would go fishing, cook together, go on picnics, all in all we were very close and connected.❤️


I onda je osvanuo taj prokleti 1 novembar 1996. moj tata nas je zauvek napustio 😭 Od toga dana za mene i moju porodicu ništa više nije bilo isto . Bol, patnja, šok,neverica ... Hiljade pitanja bez odgovora i neizdrživa bol u nekim trenucima tada sam ja poželela da mi svi umremo jer sam imala tada 15 godina i mislila sam da mi nećemo moci da nastavimo da živimo bez tate.😢

And then that damned November 1, 1996 dawned. my dad left us forever 😭 From that day on, nothing was the same for me and my family. Pain, suffering, shock, disbelief...Thousands of unanswered questions and unbearable pain in some moments, I wished that we would all die because I was 15 years old at the time and I thought that we would not be able to continue living without dad.😢


Kada zauvek izgubimo nekog dragog , ne boli ali boli sve ono što ide posle nje. Neke praznine nikad ne budu popunjene ... Toliko reči koje želimo reći a nismo izgovorili bole. Sve što dolazi posle toga na neki način jako boli. Tog dana kao da sam i ja otisla sa mojim tatom jer jedan deo mene mozda i najlepsi otišao je sa njim. Odjednom šamar sudbine sve ono lepo što smo proživeli postaje sećanje. Istina je da slike blede ali sećanja i ljubav nikada!

When we lose a loved one forever, it doesn't hurt, but everything that comes after it hurts. Some gaps are never filled... So many words we want to say but haven't said hurt. Everything that comes after that hurts a lot in some way. On that day, it was as if I left with my dad, because a part of me, perhaps the most beautiful, went with him. Suddenly, a slap of fate makes all the beautiful things we experienced become a memory. It is true that pictures fade, but memories and love never do!

Ne boli smrt ali bolelo me je sve ono sto ide posle a posle nažalost ne ide ništa jer za sve što je bilo nedostaje i za sve što će doći boli. Sanjam ga često i u tim trenucima poželim samo da ga izadim iz sna i zagrlim na javi .😔🥹

Death doesn't hurt, but everything that comes after hurt me, and unfortunately nothing comes after that, because everything that was is missing and everything that will come hurts. I dream about him often and in those moments I just want to wake him up and hug him awake.

Postoji jedna izreka koja kaže "da vreme leči sve" ja sada znam da vreme ne leči ništa lečimo se sami . Naučimo da živimo sa tim bolom , nastavimo da živimo i radujemo se zbog svih ostalih ljudi koje volimo i koji nas vole! Verujem da bi moj tata danas bio ponosan na mene i na ovo što sam postala !

There is a saying that says "time heals everything" I now know that time heals nothing, we heal ourselves. Let's learn to live with that pain, let's continue to live and rejoice because of all the other people we love and who love us! I believe that today my dad would be proud of me and what I have become!

Volite svoje bližnje,radujte se životu i lepim trenucima sa njima jer neko bi dao sve da ne živi samo od uspomena na njih ! Svi mi u životu imamo ovako teške gubitke i trenutke ja sam svoj poželela da podelim sa vama . Srdačno vasa Ivana-81

Love your loved ones, enjoy life and beautiful moments with them, because someone would give everything not to live only from memories of them! We all have such heavy losses in our lives and I wanted to share mine with you.

Pozdrav od Ivane

Sincerely, Ivana-81

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