A Kidney Ditty

Be kind to your kidneys
You only have two.
They filter impurities
Into urine, it's true!
Beware what you drink,
don't drink Devil's brew,
too much of that stuff
may be an end of you.
Be kind to your kidneys
They're shaped like a bean.
Never punch one,
Because that is mean!
It's such a small part, but
Has it's own role,
In keeping you happy,
healthy and whole.

A kidney is a légume.
Some love them in stew.
I am not hot for kidneys
I'd prefer beans but few.
Now that we've learned about kidneys
légumes and stew,
I'm read for bed
So I'll bid you adieu!

Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoy my silly poem.

This is my five minute freewrite
using prompt kidney by @mariannewest.

3 columns
2 columns
1 column