Dry and Warm!


I would like to define both concept one after the other before I make conclusion on both concept;

Dry, arid both mean without moisture. Dry is the general word indicating absence of water or freedom from moisture: a dry well; dry clothes. Arid suggests great or intense dryness in a region or climate, especially such as results in bareness or in barrenness: arid tracts of desert. Link

Something that is warm has some heat but not enough to be hot. It was warm during the day, but the nights were cold. If you warm a part of your body or if something hot warms it, it stops feeling cold and starts to feel hotter. Link

Initially when I saw the prompt, I was thinking it was two opposite words coming together like an oxymoron. But after finding this definition online, I realized they are complementary words.

One word compliment the other. It is warm and dry, when it is dry, it is warm.

No wonder they use the words after each other, I can't believe I am just figuring it out despite the fact that I use these words too.

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