The white powder


Aslam, his wife and two young duaghters were living a joyful life. He was not very rich but his salary was enough to fulfil their basic needs amply. One day, he allowed the white powder to enter his body. The family faced the destruction.


This is my entry for zapficMonday240. Here is the screenshot 👇

Also this is my 3rd day for #hiveblopomo


P.S. This is a story that happened among my acquaintance. It was the lady whom I know. She belonged to a poor family which was living from hand to mouth. Her father was ill and brothers weren't earning enough to support a family of 9 people. She did job along with her sisters to take care of her family. When she got married, her life became better. She was blessed with two daughter. Her husband was a handsome man and was employed at a good firm. Initial four years of their married life went well, but then they started having quarrels. The husband displayed irresponsibility. He was not fulfilling the needs of his family. He became a cruel man who would even beat his wife and sold her belongings. The reason was the white powder, the Heroin. He had become a drug addict.

I don't know who introduced him to this poison and what were the factors that pulled him to the intake at the first place. Perhaps it was the bad gathering (as one of his cousin also became the addicted during the same time). Whatever the reason would be, the consequences are horrible. It is not just one life that is affected but the lives of many others- his wife, daughters and the mother.

How cruel this world is. For the sake of money, people destroy the lives of hundreds of people without thinking for a while that anything can be turned upside down for their own selves. I wonder,if they would find peace with this kind of money.

May God protect everyone from the beasts who are wearing the clowns of human.

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