A bodypainting about love

"If you have been brutally broken but still have the courage to be gentle to other living beings, then you're a badass with a heart of an angel. (Keanu Reeves)"

Perhaps after reading my last post you might believe that I have a hard time believing in love. This is so false ( today, after a lot of inner work which will continue until I die) and I actually believe now in the power of love more than ever. I strongly feel that experiencing true healthy love is why we are given this existence on Earth. Anything else fades away. Money, fame, success, career advancement, trips, shopping, material goods and beauty are superficial matters that give us temporary joy. What is truly lasting will always be love.


I felt so liberated to be able to write about my personal experiences from a place of healing. I would not have been able to do this and feel peaceful to admit my choices and move on without digging deep into my soul. After all of my mistakes ( I haven't always been an angel) and the mistakes done by others towards me, I can joyously say that if all that happened to me was as a preparation for me meeting my genuine soulmate, then bring in on Universe, it was well worth the rollercoaster journey!


Wrap me around with your love is a bodypainting that I have done thinking of how the majority of men are wonderful human beings. Entire empires and good deeds have been done by them. Healthy masculine energy protects, nourishes and provides. It would be such a pity for any woman to close down her heart just because she had a series of heartbreaks. Most of the times we carry our childhood trauma and hurt the other person because of it. Some of us wake up and heal, some continue to do damage.

I also represented in an abstract way the idea of conception. If you look closer at my bodypainting you will see around my neck a round pink and white medalion, out of which pink lines get out of (our egg).Around my chest there are the little swimmers. The sperm goes to the egg.


The moment of conception is, ideally, the moment when the love between the two is so profound and intense that they decided that a third human being should be brought into the world as a celebration of the feelings and connection. Only healthy love can sit on your shoulders without burdening you. When you have someone who has your back in highs and lows, when you least deserve it and when you truly are worthy, you have a keeper. Reciprocity is the name of it. Both people have to love, you can't force it out of the other. They either love you or not.


The white dots painted from the medalion up to my face represent the enriching of the genealogical tree of both people after they decide to form a bonded pair.


Love is like a coat that invisibly wraps your body with something which is so unique as you never experienced it at this level with anyone. It is different from the love of a parent or of a friend. With your lover you can share the whole you like you've never done it with anybody else. Does is hurt when trust is broken as love demands vulnerability? Hell yes. But you heal, you move and you decide to love again. Because, as cliché as it might sound, love is the answer.



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