Wednesday walk: Steps

Today is Wednesday and the day promises 👍, it starts very early with the visit of my friend "El Pita", who for some time is living in the city of Matanzas with his girlfriend and is not seen much anymore in Havana 👁️. As always when we meet we catch up "Bolereando" between the magic and the art of the clave and the drum.

🎵🎶 🎵🎶 🎵🎶

At this point in the morning, @saraleo who is very focused on her course for Yoga teacher, "suggested" us with "extreme sweetness" to walk around the area and so she could study more calmly 😀, and on the way back we would bring something to eat 😜. We went for a little walk through the streets of the neighborhood and our feet took us directly to "Vampirito" -at 6th and 19th- a very popular restaurant in Havana for its impeccable service, the quality of its food, and its exuberant scenery with a veintage touch that always takes me back in time to my childhood and youth. In the meantime, we enjoyed a pleasant chat over coffee and waited for some pizzas we had ordered to take away.


We returned with Sari to taste the delicious pizzas and went back to the street, this time with more concrete plans... We are going to walk to Alen's house, at the other end of Vedado. A friend of Pita's who is a designer, plastic artist and a very authentic chef among other things!!!!.


We wanted to meet with him to talk about a project we would like to set up in his house - involving him as host, artist and chef - and so we found him making his tastings into art. The atmosphere in his house is so nice that even Pita and I got animated and did some improvisations to "table and voice", experience that I really liked and we ended up talking about repeating it in this cultural project; eventually 🙏.



We left Alen's house full of dreams and projects to realize. And then... nothing better than a cold beer to celebrate. We found a small bar in that area of Vedado, outdoors...although quiet, full of beautiful plants and trees, the music was discreet and nice. Nowadays it is very difficult to find a public place to talk and have a good time that is not infected by reggaeton and all its derivatives.


With Pita we said goodbye with the classic brotherly hug and I decided to walk back home. I take the opportunity to stroll quietly through these old streets marked by time and neglect, which do not completely overshadow the beauty of my neighborhood "El Vedado" -which as its name suggests- was exclusive in its best moments and found its maximum splendor in the late 50s.



Walking and appreciating without haste, I realize that we are always rushing through life and we do not notice all the wonders that surround us. I see the lavish mansion on 19th Street corner E, where she took refuge for many years, withdrawn from everything and everyone, our extraordinary poetess and Cervantes Prize for Literature Dulce Maria Loynaz, who until her end was faithful to her ethical principles, a fact that makes her beyond the awards, and her recognized talent, one of the highest and most respected voices of Cuba.


How much dignity keeps the old portal of the huge mansion, how much history and truth are still hidden in these beautiful halls and corridors ... and how much poetry managed to survive .... those old walls!!!


My native language is Spanish, this text was translated by in its free version.

All images are my property.

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