Music, Movies, Football Help With My Mental Health


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Mental health has become a subject of great discussion unlike in the past where people did not batter an eye anytime mental health was mentioned. We know have mental health world day and a lot of people are now open to talking about what they are going through. It is still early stages though and there is still a lot to be done but so far so good. It is great to see this prompt is about mental health and not the physical health because let's face it, a lot is being done with regards to physical health already.

We have moved from the stage where we think mental health means the person in question is going crazy or has some missing screws. As doctors and mental health specialists have come out to say, "we all are all in one way or the other, suffering from a mental ailment". That might not be the exact quote so kindly correct me because I think I got it wrong. I particularly am not a big talker about my mental state and so I like and admire people who can openly talk about their mental health. However, I do have some coping mechanisms I would like to share as per the demands of the prompt.


First of all, I like staying positive. Yes, I am a very positive person. I do not like negativity and will always try to see things in the positive way. When there is no room for positivity is when I resort to negativity. I laugh a lot and that shows in the way I text. Emojis have become a big part of my texting because I feel if I was speaking to you in person, I would at least giggle or say haha before you get words out of my mouth. That is helped me to deal with some minor anger issues I used to have and have tried to have under control because I sometimes tend to get irritated easily. Laughing a lot is one way I use to solve this.




My music is a big part of my coping mechanism. I like to listen to slow type of music some of you call romantic songs hehe. I listen to songs I can clearly hear the lyrics just because. There is really not much of a reason but I have realized when I feel a bit down and not motivated, it helps to cheer me up. Also, I like to keep in touch with my emotions.



Some of my favorite songs are these slow burns that I can have on repeat the whole day. Occasionally, I listen to songs that are not of this genre but songs like "gooba" from 6ix9 like @rubilu likes, I consider as noise and he hates it when I say that 😂. My music choice translates in my choice in movies too because I like movies and series that are heavy on emotions.

This one, a lot of people might find controversial but sports is a happy escape for me.. When I watch ball, I do not think of a lot of things at all. Just what I am watching at that instant. That is why I always tell my friends to watch purely for the emotions and the entertainment. One thing though, is not to put too much emotions into ball because if your team is not performing, it can wreck you. So, for me I watch ball especially on the weekends for the entertainment and the fun. Nothing more, nothing less. Well, maybe something more because I troll Manchester United fans when they lose 😂. @playaker1 and @rhyda1 you are losing today 😂.


Lastly, I do not tend to think too much. I realized very early that thinking too much about things you cannot control do you no good. I could write a paper and no I have not written as well as I would have liked but as soon as I leave the exams hall, the thoughts end there. I know what I have to do and I do not think about it. Also, I do not concern myself with people having to show me respect since we all have minds of our own and you should know when you should respect someone. I mean, I just respect the people I do and I do not think I have to force you to respect or like me. Just do you as I do me. What I do care about though, is my reputation and that is something that can get me thinking. Aside that, not thinking too much helps to keep my mind in check.

I have read exercising is one thing that can help you relax your brain and it is something I started few months when I was at home but I stopped when I came to school. I'm looking to see how I can modify my routine to add exercising to it.


So, these are some of the things I do to keep my mental health in check guys. What do you do? These have helped me well and I think they can help you if you implement them. I would like to hear what you think?

Thank you.

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