No Pain, No Gain: Taking My Eyes Off the Phone To Keep My Body In Shape


Image owned and modified by @saydie

Nowadays, mobile phones has become more than just a means for people to communicate with others over a long distance. It becomes an essential tool that can do multitude of task such as researching for information on the internet or checking on google maps to find the shortest direction for your destination. It also provides various ways of entertainment such as music, videos and games that anyone could enjoy regardless of their location and at the same time, people could also use its camera to take videos and pictures of themselves to store a particular memory. Some industries have also includes mobile phones in order to provide their services such as online shopping platforms and food delivery apps. Even at sleep, most people always keeps their phone next to them in order for them to hear the alarm that they set so that they could wake up the next morning. Mobile phones has become more than just a convenient tool for people but also becomes an extension of our bodies and with this separated from us, we would feel a sense of loss and would reduce the things that we can do.

This makes one wonder whether humans and phones are really inseparable so in this post, I would talk about a one activity that I do where I do not mind my phone being away from me.

Life is already full of uncertainties and the last thing I want to be is to get sick due to me neglecting my health. That was why I always make sure that I can get all the nutrition that my body needs on the food that I eat. At the same time, I'm making sure that I could visit the gym 1- 3x a week to work- out and burn down some calories and while at the gym I have little to no interaction with my phone in order to focus my attention in lifting weights and exercise machines. That also was the case for most gym- goers which makes the gym almost a "no phone zone" as the main focus of the people was to build their bodies. The only exception would be when they want to take some pictures to flex their muscles or make a visual record of their body progression. As for me, I was not much concerned about those things so I do not take pictures of me while on the gym so it was up to the hands of my friends to take the pictures if they want to.

Me at the center, using the Elliptical Machine

"No pain, No gain" is a popular proverb that says that hard and painful work would result on greater value rewards and was often use by body builders and athletes that continuously work hard to better themselves so not having my phone besides me might be considered to be a another pain path that I have to endure to keep myself healthy. In the first place, phones are fragile objects while the weights that I lift, even the lightest one was more than enough are more than enough to break my phone in case that I or other gym- goers accidentally drops the weights on my phone. I also remember a time when a person a person has tried to carry his phone and placed it next to his tumbler which another person has accidentally knocked, resulting to the phone to get wet. Another reason was that my hands were already full holding the weights so there was no way for me to hold my phone. There was a minute or two of rest that I do after finishing an exercise routine but I can't do anything significant to my phone so I just don't bother using it.

My friend Ronnie Taking the Picture with Me Sitting on the Chest Press.

Each gym sessions that I have could last up to 2-3 hours and if you add the travel time that I spend to go back and forth to the gym, you can add another 30-45 minutes on it but the good thing about it was that the activity that I make not only separates me from my phone for a long time but also allows me to have a healthy body, something that other people can't take away and would increases the chance that I would live a longer life.

That was all for this post. Thank you and see you at the next one!

Credits to my friend Ronnie for taking our pictures.

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