My Hive Learner's Memory Thus Far

Hello Friends,

Hive Learner's have indeed been one of the most active community in the Hive ecosystem, and big kudos goes to the hardworking admin and moderators for keeping everyone busy with interesting topics of discussion.

I have written on many interesting topics here, and I have equally participated in some interaction/hangouts on the discord channel. Here are some of my favorite memories on the HL featured edition thus far.

My Favourite Memories On The Featured Edition

Talking about topics that took me to that highly emotional level, I would say there are more than one.

Free From Pixabay

Like I said earlier, the moderators of this community tend to bring up interesting topics that connects us to that level of emotional writing.

The first topic which I could vividly remember that brought me to that high level of writing was the week 58e2 topic (My High School Heroic Acts).

This contest was basically about the topic of how I became the hero in my high school days. This topic took me back in time to when I was very popular among my town and school mates for representing our school in race competitions.

Infact I was called the flash during those days at high school, because I outran people that were bigger and taller than me. I won the 200 meters senior boys category for my school, even though I was still in the junior boys section.

Since I graduated from high school, I was no longer called the flash like I use to when I was still in school. With time, my histories in the school were forgotten, and I accepted it in good fate.

But when I wrote about it in that contest, flashes of memories came back, and I beheld myself smiling at the good old days. To even top it up, that post was among the top 3 best featured post for that week.

Some other interesting and the favourite topics I engaged on includes:

My Toughest And Easiest Topic Here

I have had many topics in the past 50-100 weeks, which makes it a bit difficult to decide which of my article was the easiest or toughest as the case may be.

However, I think I can pick out one of the topic I participated in, with so much ease and less research.

My Easiest Topic Here

For me, the easiest topic I have written on here, is what I title A Reflection On My Real Name (Preye).

This topic is basically about my real name (given to me by my parents), and what the name means to me. Preye is my name, and it means God's Gift.

By the grace of God, I believe I am the gift of God to my parents, family and friends. I see my life becoming a wonder to my generation, and that's what am working towards achieving.

This topic unlike every other topics I had written, required no form of research from me. I just wrote down everything I could remember about my name, and the article good to go, as easy as that, lol.

My Toughest Topic Here

Talking about a tough topic for me, the only topic I could remember was the W56E1's topic, which was about things the nigerian government didn't failed to allocate funds for when necessary.

This topic was not just tough because it required plenty of research works, but it was hard because I got to find out about the poor financial situation of my dear country.

The Nigerian government have failed in so many aspects, especially the financial sector. The money of the country which was supposed to be allocated for the betterment of the country is been mismanaged.

my original picture

An example was given in the image above, as flood took over the riverine region of Bayelsa where I live, and the government were not able to help us.

It was interesting participating in this contest, and I celebrate the Hive Learner's community for hitting this milestone. May God bless us , as we move forward.

Thanks for your time here...

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