Childhood Friendships Was The Realest

Hello Friends,

From Canva

As always, the hardworking/innovative Admin/moderators of the Hive Learner's community have presented another interesting and educative contests for us to participate on.

I welcome you to my entry on the 63th (01) week of the Hive Learner's featured post, where I would be telling you about my childhood friendships and how it went.

Lost Most Of My Childhood Friends To Migration

Just like I stated in my last article for the Hive Learner's featured contest, living in the barrack isn't really easy, given the fact that many things are involved during your stay there.

Apart from the issue of losing our Soldiers to terrorists, we still face the issue of migrating from one barrack to another, thereby losing our current friends in the process.

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This has happened to me countless times, and thinking about it now is giving me some mixed reactions. Childhood friendships are often some of the most memorable and cherished relationships we ever make. It's unbreakable growing up with people who have known us for years, who understand the inside jokes, and can finish our sentences.

These friendships form during the most carefree and innocent years of our lives, and as such, they are some of the purest connections we will ever experience.

The memories I made with childhood friends are endless, as they include sleepovers, playground games, playing dress-up, baking cookies, making forts, and going on adventures (basically anything that blows our mind, lol).

These relationships gave us a sense of security and belonging, as these were the people who had witnessed our earliest successes and failures, and their support and understanding shaped our formative years.

No wonder adults tend to refer to childhood memories as the best moments of their lives. They teach us how to communicate, compromise, and navigate the complexities of relationships.

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As important as childhood friendship is to a person's life, I would say I didn't enjoy mine because when I was beginning to get compatible with others, that's the time my dad would be transferred to another barrack (and we usually go with him to the new locations).

There was this time I was having a crush on our neighbor's daughter and she was feeling the same way for me too. We both taught we were even gonna get married, but the Nigerian Army got different plans for us, lol.

We were transferred to 82 Division Enugu, Nigeria, while my supposed lover and her family were still at Bauchi barrack, Nothern Nigeria. This was one of the most saddest departure I had, as I could remember we both wept the day we left the barrack.

Believe me when I tell you that the feeling is still here even after about 12 to 13 years ago. We both met on social media and it was as if the fire of love was rekindle in our hearts. We have been in touch on social media for years now, and hopefully we get to meet each other again some day.

How I Would React When I See My Friends Again

Like I said earlier, these were my realest friends because at that time they loved me for no reason, and we shared many great memories and adventures together.

If fate gets to bring us together, then I wouldn't let the go, especially if the feeling is mutual between us. I know it would never be the same as when we were kids, but for the fact the we have had great memories together, I would keep that friend.

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For instance, my childhood lover whom I talked about earlier is planning on coming over to spend some quality time with me, and the feeling is priceless already.

Excitement is the word I would use to comprehend my reaction because true friendship is hard to find, and seeing a lost one is the best feeling ever.

Am just so glad with the innovation of technology, as it has made it easier than ever to reconnect with old friends. So even if you've lost touch with someone, there's always the possibility of finding them again.


Growing up means leaving our childhood behind and going in different directions, and that can often mean separation from those we were once inseparable from.

However, just because these friendships change doesn't mean they can't still hold a special place in our hearts.

Even after years or decades have passed, childhood friendships still carry a weight and importance that other friendships don't. They remain the people who know us best, and their memory never truly fades..

Thanks for your time here.

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