Welcome To Nigeria My Poor Money-Allocating Country

Hello Friends,

Canva Design

Greetings to you all my Hive family, I would start by appreciating the lovely organizers of this contest, you are doing excellently amazing.

I welcome you to my entry on the 56th (01) week of the Hive Learner's Featured post, where I would be sharing my views about my country's allocation of funds.

Every country usually have their budgets and targets for each year. This would help both citizens and government work towards a the same goal of developing the country.

It so happens that in most cases, the country ends up allocation funds for the wrong things rather than the better things. Follow as I show you one thing the Nigerian government should have spent money on but didn't, and another thing they shouldn't spend so much, but did.

One Thing That The Nigerian Government Didn't Allocate Funds For When Necessary

There are many things to mention here, ranging from sports to economics, and education. I have seen the Nigerian government failed to deliver when it ought to.

Apart from all the failed money allocations I have witnessed, let me be precise about a particular sector that got me to tears (The failure to create a Dam that would save thousands of souls.

Let me explain properly. I am from Bayelsa state of southern Nigeria, and we are know for being surrounded by rivers and seas. For this reason, we are major targets and victims of floodings in Nigeria.

They are many more riverine states like mine in Nigeria, which means in periods of floodings, many states in Nigeria are affected by the disaster.

You all would attest to the fact that flooding is by far one of the most dangerous and catastrophic natural disasters in the world today, as it has lead to the death and loss of property of thousands of persons.


The Nigerian government has been failing in this sector for over 53 years now since the 1970s. It happened that they were constant floodings during the 1970s to the 1980s through Cameroon and Nigeria.

This lead to both countries agreeing to build two different dams (Huge structures built across a flowing water to help direct it's flow and equally generate electricity). These dams were meant to control the flow of water and avoid every possible issue of overflowing.

To the smaller country (Cameroon), they successfully finished constructing their dam in 1982, and named it the Lagdo dam. But the acclaimed Giant of Africa (Nigeria government) failed to complete their dam which was supposed to be two times bigger than that of the Cameroonians for recieving waters.

This single act of neglegience by the Nigerian government is what we are still facing till today. Anytime the Cameroon dam gets too full, water is released from the dam and directed across the Nigerian rivers, thereby causing havoc and loss of properties to us.


So here is where I am having problem with the Nigerian government, as they have failed to prevent this disaster from the very beginning.

But unfortunately the government of Nigeria are yet to complete it, and so whenever water is released from the Cameroon Lagdo dam, it flows uncontrollably to the waters of Nigeria (especially to the riveriene area, causing havoc every passing year.

If the Nigerian Dam should be completed, it would have covered a large hecter of land across Taraba, Adamawa, and Benue state of Nigeria, thereby channeling the water to better places and avoiding this annual disaster.

The Nigerian government have seen how disastrous this annual occurances have been, and instead of seeking ways to complete the Nigeria dam, they have asked the Cameroon government to always inform them anytime the Cameroon dam is to be released for proper precautions to be put in place.


I think if money is allocated to the completion of this Nigeria dam, it would go a long way in saving thousands of lives been lost to flood yearly in Nigeria.

One Thing That The Nigerian Government Does Allocate Funds For When Not Necessary

For me, the Nigerian government have wasted lots of funds on unnecessarily, and it would be better if it is stopped now.

For instance, the Nigerian government is currently owing over $3.25bn from more than 5 different countries, and instead of seeking ways to pay back, we are busy allocating funds for unnecessary things.

That one thing for me that the the Nigerian government are doing that they aren't supposed to do is the creation of presidential villa across all the 36 states of the Federation.

Like seriously, is this even important or we just don't know how to spend our money. Creating a presidential villa simply implies that each state would build a castle specially for the president of the country, so that when he visits the state he would have where to stay.

I personally think it's a waste of funds and resources, because the president isn't even coming to live in the villa but to just visit. Hopefully they see the need to allocate money correctly in the nearest future rather than spending it where not necessary.

Thanks for your time here.

Note: All images are my original photos taken during the flood with my Infinix Hot 10 Play 13M Dual Camera.

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