The Long Road to Enrollment: A Day at CTU Daanbantayan

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Yesterday, my mother and I went to the CTU Daanbantayan Campus for enrollment. We left early in the morning to catch a bus, as it's a more economical choice with cheaper fare.

I brought my mother with me because I'm not familiar with the area and I also have motion sickness, which I really dislike, especially during long-distance travel. Whenever I feel it coming on, I cover my face with a towel and lean on my mother's shoulder for comfort.

The journey took almost two hours, but I was relieved that I didn't feel dizzy when we got off the bus.



Upon arriving at the campus, I saw many students holding papers for enrollment forms. Not knowing where to start, we asked some students for directions, and they guided us to the correct line.


The queue was quite long because there were so many students enrolling at the same time. After waiting for a while, I finally received the enrollment form.Next, I went to check my subject load and was shocked to see that it included 26 units.

I wasn't sure if I could handle such a heavy load, and I started to overthink it a bit. However, I decided to set those worries aside for now because my main goal was to complete my enrollment and get my ID number.


So, I focused on the enrollment process. After copying down all my subjects, I headed to the clinic room to submit my medical examination.

They gave me a lot of forms to fill out with my information, but unfortunately, we reached the cutoff time. They told us we needed to come back at one o'clock in the afternoon, so we had no choice but to wait until then.


Since we didn’t bring lunch with us, as we didn't expect to stay until the afternoon, we decided to look for a restaurant to have lunch together.After lunch, we waited for a couple of hours to get my registration form back because it was being verified.

Once I got it, I immediately went to the NSTP room to have it signed by the professor. Then, I went to the MIS to get my ID number and then to the cashier for signing.

Finally, I went to the registrar to get my enrollment approved. I finished everything by 4 PM.As we were about to go home, we waited for a bus, taxi, or van to pass by, but unfortunately, there weren't any. So, we decided to walk for a while.


My mother and I were so exhausted, but a few minutes later, a bus arrived, and thankfully we managed to get on. Although it was a bit expensive because it had air conditioning and a TV, we didn't mind at all as long as we could get home.As we rode on the bus, we watched the movie Avatar.


I was very hooked on this movie when I was a child, and I was thrilled to have the chance to watch it again. It was cold inside the bus, but it was good and relaxing.


When we arrived at our destination, I was so happy because my motion sickness wasn’t as bad as during the first journey. I managed to travel a long distance with my eyes open.

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