My Favorite Food - Efo Riro Soup With Semo - The Preparation Process And The Health Benefits


To work effectively in life, we require energy in our bodies. This energy comes from the food we eat and the water we drink. There will be no life if there is no food. Food comes in a wide variety all around the world.

My name is Mistural, and I am from Nigeria. We are blessed with various natural foods, and different tribes in Nigeria have their preferred dish. I am from the Eastern part of the country, and our dishes include rice, beans, vegetable soup, yam, and many more. We also make dishes from other regions, such as noodles, pasta, burgers, fries, and pizza. In this post, I'll tell you everything you need to know about my favorite food.


My Favorite Food


Efo Riro is my favorite food. It is a popular meal in the eastern part of Nigeria, and it takes time and skill to master. It's made with Efo Shoko (vegetable leaf) and ingredients including dried fish, Pomo (cow skin) , Beef/Chicken and smoke fish.

Efo Riro's key ingredients are vegetable leaves (Efo Shoko), dried fish, and spices. Efo Riro soup is made with or without meat. Furthermore, the dish can be savored with any swallow of your choice, and it also pairs nicely with white rice.


How To Prepare Efo Riro


Efo Riro soup is a nutritious and well-known Yoruba vegetable soup that is popular among Yorubas as well as other ethnic groups in Nigeria. Efo Riro is a local traditional dish that is best served with Semo, but can also be served with any type of swallows or white rice. I'll show the step by step preparation process


  • Green Leaf (Efo Shoko)

  • Chicken

  • Pomo

  • Beef

  • Dried Fish

  • Crayfish

  • Red Pepper, Tomatoes and Onions.

  • Onions

  • Palm Oil.

  • Beef Seasoning

  • Maggi and Salt

Step 1: Season the dry fish, beef, and chicken with salt and pepper after washing and rinsing them, then add the chopped onions and cook on a low medium heat.

Step 2: Heat the palm oil in a pan over high medium heat for one minute. Cook for 2 minutes with the sliced onions, then add the blended Pepper and cook for another 2 minutes.

Step 3: Before adding the Maggi and the seasoned pomo, add the chicken and beef and boil for a few minutes.

Step 4: After adding the Maggi and the seasoned pomo, add the chicken and beef and boil for a few minutes.

Step 5: Make sure you stir everything together; Riro in Efo Riro is derived from the Yoruba word "Riro", which means "to stir or mix together." Which simple implies that the vegetable is stir or mix thoroughly. Now turn off the heat, and dish out the Efo Riro in a clean plate and proceed to make your Semo.

After you've prepared the semolina or swallow of your choice, Now turn off the heat, dish out the Efo Riro soup and the Semo and enjoy


Health Benefits Of Efo Riro


Apart from being a tasty meal that can be enjoyed with any other food, particularly white rice and swallow, Efo Riro also has numerous health benefits that are vital to the body's system. I'll describe a few as well as source the references.

  • Efo Riro has a very low calorie and fat content. The leaves are high in soluble dietary fibre. This is why dietitians frequently recommend it in cholesterol-lowering and weight-loss treatments.
  • They are high in fiber and contain a lot of water. It helps with digestion and keeps you from getting constipated.

  • They are also high in calcium. It aids in the maintenance of strong bones.

  • You're giving your body an honest source of iron when you take Efo Riro. About 25 percent of your body's daily requirements can be met in fresh Efo.

  • They decreases the risk of heart disease by reducing inflammation and increasing circulation and blood vessel function.

Now that you simply know the amazing benefits of this soup, you ought to take more of it.


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