It's been a fun-filled year


I recently adopted a lifestyle of capturing every simple moment in my life and keeping them as memories. So, when I saw this prompt, I didn't think much. I quickly went to my gallery to check the fun moments in my life from the beginning of the year, and the following are some of them.

AFCON in the month of February and March:

I'm very passionate when it comes to international football, especially when Nigeria, my dear nation, is involved. The month of February came with the biggest football tournament in Africa, and it was a tournament I had been anticipating since 2023. I had a lot of fun watching those matches and talking about them with everyone who cared. I made a lot of noise on WhatsApp status by updating scores and results. Many people applauded me for that, while some of my female friends from the Blockchain community bantered me about how noisy I was.

The biggest day was when we won against South Africa on penalties, and that’s the day I made the video below in the arena where I watched the match.

It was a joy to see fellow Nigerians celebrating our win, even more than they root for their most treasured football clubs like Liverpool, Chelsea, or Arsenal.

Easter Groove:

Easter this year came in a unique form, and I had to travel home to spend the holiday. It was for the burial ceremony of my paternal grandma who lived for 88 years, so it was a celebration of a life well spent.

During this period, I ate to my heart's content, and thankfully, my stomach didn’t get bigger.
Apart from the food, it was loads of love and fun meeting family relatives that I hadn't seen in many years, and we rekindled some childhood memories. One of my relatives and I went to see rivers we used to swim in when we were very little, which was a lot of fun.

To crown it all, I returned to my base with a lot of foodstuffs that lasted me for a long while. Not having to buy some food for my house was a big blessing to me.

May Ending:

The just-concluded month of May ended on a sweet note for me. My family had the very first marriage, and it was fun at its peak. One of my siblings, a younger one, had her traditional marriage, and I had to travel home for the event. It involved a lot of dancing, eating, and drinking. It's so bad that I don't drink alcohol, I would have soaked myself in it if I did.

You know that feeling when you witness your dad and mom putting on the same attire joyfully as they hand over their daughter for marriage? That has been the biggest joy I’ve seen this year, and I pray to see more in the remaining part of the year and many years to come.

Thanks for reading.

This is my entry to the Week 117, Edition 02 of the Weekly Featured contest in Hive Learners Community

| All Photos are mine |

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