Making My Sunday Creative By Cooking Peshawari Kheer !!!

Hey Everyone, I hope you all are fine and doing great. This is my entry for the #creativeSunday Contest Initiative started by #hivelearners.

If you want to learn more about #creativeSunday, You can read This post


Want to know what I posted on the previous Sunday, Click on the given link.


So, We are here again on another Sunday, It's a day where we can do some creative task and share it with our Hive family.

It's my 7th Entry to the #creativeSunday Contest. Tomorrow is Pakistan's independence day, It's a day we all celebrate and eat something sweet. So today I decided to make Peshawari Kheer to eat on Independence day.

So Let's Begin.


  • Milk 1.5 litre
  • Rice 2 TableSpoon.
  • almond 30 cloves
  • Cashew nut 20 cloves.
  • Pistachio 10 cloves
  • 250 gm of sugar
  • Cake Rusk 2.
  • Dry milk powder 2 tablespoons.
  • Cardamon Powder 1 Teaspoon

Cooking Procedure

The first step is to wash the rice properly and soak it for almost 2 hours.

after two hours, Bring 2 cake rusks and crush them with rice in the grinder to make a paste.

You can also do it in two steps, in the first step, crush the cake rusk alone in the grinder and mix the rice afterword or you can also do this by putting them together in the grinder.

The paste will look like this in the grinder.

At the next stop, you need to boil the milk.

Now mix sugar in it. You can do this in the hot milk also. Let the sugar mix properly.

In the next step, you need to crush the almond in the grinder.

Almonds here are needed in crushed form. Make sure they are not converted into powder form in the grinder.

Put these crushed almonds in the milk like this.

Now put the rice and cake rusk paste in the milk and mix it well.

Milk Powder is necessary, bring the milk powder and put it in the milk. After adding milk powder make sure to boil and mix the milk for 5 minutes.

In the second last step, add crushed almonds, cashew nuts and Pistachios to the milk. Now cook this for almost 12 to 15 minutes on a light flame.

Here you have your yummy Tasty Peshawari Kheer !!! Enjoy it with your spouse and your family ;)

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