My Wife never let me feel like i'm broke.

Hey Everyone, I hope you are all fine and doing great. This Post is my entry to Weekly Featured Content in the #Hivelearners community. Today's topic to write about is the Being Broke.

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I'm feeling very sleepy but I need to write this post because time is very short and only 55 minutes are left to publish a post.

As we all know, life is the best teacher, We learn from the different experiences happening in our life. Sometimes you have everything and sometimes you are broken that you can't even eat properly.

This is the time when you realize who is your true friends and who was with you just to pass his/her time or to get benefit from you.

For me Being broke is not a bad thing. Hard time is there to teach you a lesson and it also teaches you how to spend your life in a hard time.

I'm a married person, and for me, the happiness of my family comes first. No matter how broke I am, I will always try to explore and buy the needed things for my family.

As many of you have read, I love my wife a lot. She is such a nice girl. I am very happy that she is in my life and I'm praying she will stay in my life forever. I have a wish that we both die together.

My wife doesn't make many wishes, So whenever she wishes for anything, it is necessary for me to provide.

I can't say no to her No matter how things are going in my life. She is my first priority.

If there is any chance that comes into my life, in which I need to sacrifice my everything to save my wife, I will do it without even thinking for a second time and I'm sure she would also do that without even thinking about it.

The relationship between wife and husband is one of the best relations in this world.

We are going through a hard time, and in this hard time, She always stands with me, This increases respect and love for her in my heart.

I wish her good health and long life with me.

I do apologize for the fewer words in this post. But I'm feeling very sleepy and my eyes are closing. I'm short of about 60 words.

God Bless you all.

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