Hive Learners Community "Creative Sunday" Initiative Announcement || EVERYONE IS A WINNER

Hello everyone, how are you all doing on this beautiful day? Welcome to the Hive Learners Creative Sunday Initiative.

In our efforts to foster growth and creativity in our community, we keep on bringing more ways in which this can be done. And this initiative will be the most recent. We are now going beyond just giving topics and making simple posts, we want to see just how far our creativity can be stretched as a community. We would love to see the skills, our members can put on display for us and it would be highly appreciated.


Made with Canva

The initiative will only take place on Sundays, posts made before and after will not count and will not be supported. So creators will have the entire week to work on what they wish to submit on Sunday. That will give them the time and space to be able to give their best work.


There are different tasks that will be accepted during the initiative, and they are as follows:

DO IT YOURSELF (DIY):- This is a step-by-step process of how basic things in the home can be done. It can be very educating and enlightening.

ARTS AND SKETCH:- This is majorly drawing or painting of anything at all. You have free rein to be as creative as you wish.

COOKING:- Here each member can show off their cooking skills and teach us how it is done with a step-by-step process and list of ingredients.

COLLAGES:- This form of art is created when you assemble other pieces of art/photos, and you get a new whole. It simply involves being creative with other existing art and making something out of what you already have into something bigger.

MEMES:- This can be a picture or short video clip with a piece of text that is used to spread humor online.

As you can see, we have tried to accommodate as many skills as possible. It all boils down to just how far you are willing to go with this.

The Creative Sunday Initiative will officially begin on the 2nd of July.


Detailed Rules & Guidelines (Arts & Sketch, Cooking, DIY)

Detailed Rules & Guidelines (Collage, Meme & Poetry)



  1.    The Creative Sunday starts at 00:00 and ends at 23:59 on that same Sunday (According To Your Local Time) of each week. Posts before and after that timeframe will not be considered.    
  2. You must publish your participation post within Hive Learners Community.  Only one creative post per sunday for each member. Sending in more than one entry will cancel out everything.
  3.   You must use the tag #creative-Sunday as your first tag.
  4.   Plagiarism/Stealing/Cross-Posting of any sort will not be condoned and will be swiftly acted upon.     
  5.   It's not mandatory to be a verified member in Hive Learners community to participate in our creative sunday campaign.


As creativity knows no bounds, we won't be selecting any winners in particular. We may highlight few creative contents per week, but that won't be like a result announcement post. So, EVERYONE IS WINNER in this campaign.

In subsequent posts before the kickoff of the Creative Sunday Initiative, we would give detailed rules and guidelines about each part (Topic) of the Creative Sunday Initiative. Do well to stay tuned so you will be well informed. Feel free to ask any questions either in the comments section or on our Discord channel.

We look forward to a lot of creativity from us all.

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